Look at everything upside down.Take absolutely nothing for granted.

Granted, my childhood wasn't conventional, but it was full of love.

Clean water is such a treasure that we take for granted in America.

I was always winning, winning, winning. I took winning for granted.

Nothing should be taken for granted, even if everybody believes it.

I will never, ever take for granted scoring a hundred for Australia.

The trust of the mass population can no longer be taken for granted.

I'm a lucky guy. I don't take for granted, for one minute, what I do.

Every day, I look at life different; I don't take things for granted.

I always took it for granted that there would be life after Hollywood.

I don't like being over-friendly, as people could take me for granted.

I took a lot of things for granted - especially how I treated my body.

A birthday wish granted 23 years late is still a birthday wish granted.

I'll never take for granted the opportunity to put on a Dodger uniform.

It's strange that those we miss the most Are those we take for granted.

Don't take your friends for granted or that everyone is going to be OK.

One cannot take natural resources for granted just to entertain viewers.

Importantly, Rajini sir doesn't take his fans and audiences for granted.

There is absolutely nothing that can be taken for granted in this world.

If I've learned anything, it's that you can't take anything for granted.

We can take these things for granted, when we have everything on a plate.

The gift of independence once granted cannot be lightly taken away again.

You take it for granted that I am in something that I want to get out of.

The mightiest love was granted him Love that does not expect to be loved.

I try to take all of my experiences in and not take anything for granted.

Whatever God has given me, I feel blessed but I don't take it for granted.

Our goal is to play into late June and don't take the process for granted.

You know, we're a hard working band but we don't ever take it for granted.

Sight is something you take for granted until you think you might lose it.

We have to remind ourselves that what we take for granted now is hard-won.

I will never take my experience for granted, because it's been a blessing.

When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Preparation is such a big thing and you should never take that for granted.

Even if you're inches away from the finish, never take success for granted.

When I was young at Arsenal, you take it for granted, playing all the time.

I want people to know that I don't take for granted what's been given to me.

Granted, patriotism is not a tonic that can be forced down people's throats.

We take for granted electricity, water, even concerts. Count your blessings.

To [man] it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills.

All peoples must be respected, and they must all be granted the same rights.

When God gives you a second chance, it's not something you take for granted.

If history is any guide, much of what we take for granted simply isn't true.

I suppose one gets to know men quickest by the things they take for granted.

I do not take anything for granted - I like to shoulder every responsibility.

I've been amazingly lucky, and believe me, I don't take anything for granted.

I don't take a second for granted of the honor of representing country music.

Its always important to recognize your situation and not take it for granted.

I enjoy leading a well-rounded life. Believe me, I don't take it for granted.

He who prays without confidence cannot hope that his prayers will be granted.

You've got to put the work in every week. You can't take anything for granted.

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