I pray I die before they day comes when I do not know if my sons are infants or grandfathers.

The comparison between Harry Cohen and my grandfather is not one that bears close examination.

My grandfather, in 1848, had fled from Germany to find political freedom in the United States.

The offers I get are for grandfathers, uncles - and they often die very quickly in the script.

My great-grandfather was a self-taught man, and his library was extraordinary. I read the lot.

When I was a child, I loved old people. My New Hampshire grandfather was my model human being.

Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation's out of breath. We ain't running no more.

As my Sicilian grandfather used to say, you get more flies with honey than with vinegar, right?

Unlike my grandfather or my brother, I've actually been able to make some money at a racetrack.

My grandfather, K.R. Balan, a pioneer in the film industry, wanted me to try my hand at acting.

My grandfather served as a gunner aboard the U.S.S. Alabama in the Pacific theater during WWII.

I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.

No one likes to play grandfather, especially when you are a father of two toddlers in real life.

My grandfather is a musician, my son is a musician and a singer. My mother played the piano too.

My grandfather was a cop in Long Island. I often try to draw on things that I've heard about him.

My grandfather did a lot of things in his life. What he was most proud of was raising his family.

Like lycanthropy, the nerd gene can skip a generation. My maternal grandfather was a technophile.

My great grandfather, Raj, was from Punjab, India. My grandmother graduated Rajasthan University.

My grandfather and mother were school teachers, so there was always some discussion around books.

I've always loved teaching and reading and talking to people, and my grandfather was a professor.

More and more, when I single out the person out who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather.

My grandfather was a history teacher, one reason the subject has been an integral part of my life.

I was a child of a tech family. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist and was always a gadget guy.

My grandfather D. Ramanaidu has been in the film business for over 50 years, so I grew up in films.

I wish my grandmother and grandfather were still alive, because they were able to keep me grounded.

The only story my grandfather tells me about his days in the NFL is how much better he was than me.

My grandfather used to be a dentist, and he made me these retainers that have vampire teeth on them.

You know you've been around a long time when your stuntman says, 'Yeah, my grandfather doubled you.'

My paternal grandfather was a failed novelist. He stacked boxes of rejected manuscripts in a closet.

My father was always in bands. He played drums and could sing. And my grandfather was a band leader.

My grandfather had strong opinions. He was an argumentative character and quite staunchly socialist.

My grandfather would live to see his children become doctors and ministers, accounts and professors.

My paternal grandfather Rustom Mehta had a huge influence on me because of his ethics and his values.

I'm lucky: almost all my family has lived to be very old. I have one grandfather who lived to be 100.

I like to fish. I collect pocketknives. I inherited a nice collection from my father and grandfather.

I'm probably a better granddad than dad because your role as a grandfather is to be fun, and I'm fun.

My grandfather was a lot like a white Jewish George Jefferson, and he did not enjoy my work very much.

I met Patricia Neal, John Houseman. But I loved my grandfather because he was this kind, talented man.

My grandfather passed away in 1946, too early to see his dream of an independent India being realized.

I was taught by my grandfather that anything that your mind can conceive, you can have. It's a reality.

I'm raspy, and if I wasn't a smoker, I'd still be raspy. My pops has a raspy voice, and my grandfather.

My grandfather was in a barbershop quartet and my grandmother was in a gospel quartet with her sisters.

I have family in Ponce. It's a shame that my grandfather passed and I wasn't able to be there with him.

My grandfather gave me my first guitar, an old acoustic with palm trees and dancing girls painted on it.

Your grandfather's coffin is heavier than you expect. Your father's coffin is heavier than you can bear.

Darian is a Greek name, and my grandson is definitely going to be a Greek God, just like his grandfather.

My own grandfathers were a submarine commander and a 'desert rats' tank operator in the Second World War.

I blame my grandfather 100 percent for his oldest son's death. I don't think there's any ambiguity there.

There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson.

She looks like a china doll, observed Grandfather as we departed. I will break just as easily, I muttered.

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