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When I was ten and in fifth grade, I read all of 'Robinson Crusoe' in one weekend.
We went to public schools from kindergarten through seventh grade, and it was fun.
I didn't play soccer; I played that other football in grade school through college.
I began writing fictional stories and little screenplays when I was in fifth grade.
In the sixth grade, I planned to start my own business making custom fishing lures.
I went to a public school through sixth grade, and being good at tests wasn't cool.
I remember in the fifth grade my dad would take me to Manhattan to shop for clothes.
My first diet was in the first grade! Tuna fish and mustard with yogurt on the side.
I grade my stocks. I'm what they call a quant, one of the geeks of the stock market.
When I was in the second grade, I learned that I looked different from my classmates.
By the time I was in the fourth grade, I sounded exactly like my father on the phone.
I was born in Everett; I went through grade school in Everett, high school in Seattle.
By the time I was in sixth grade I could bound every country in the world from memory.
I was very shy - I didn't speak to anyone outside of my family until the fourth grade.
I had a very wise mother. She always kept books that were my grade level in our house.
Schooling after the second grade plays only a minor role in creating or reducing gaps.
I quit high school the first day of 10th grade because I felt like I was wasting time.
I'm a huge fan of Billy Idol. I spiked my hair every day like him in 7th and 8th grade.
I did one pageant in sixth grade, and I loved it! I loved the dresses and the big hair.
I kind of fell into acting, but I have sung and trained since I was in the eighth grade.
Basketball was not my main sport in grade school, or even the first year of high school.
I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.
I think generally I'm a pretty good person if I had to grade myself. Or toot my own horn.
I've always loved glasses. Always have. I've worn glasses since I was in the fifth grade.
Let's put in place programs to ensure that all of our children are reading by third grade.
I have been training since 8th grade, but it has to do with listening, more than practice.
I was in, like, nine schools by ninth grade, so I moved a ton of times when I was younger.
I moved in fourth grade in the middle of the school year, and I was the new kid in school.
From sixth grade on I was a real Pillsbury doughboy. Overweight, long hair, thick glasses.
My big break was back in the third grade playing the third monkey in 'Horton Hears a Who.'
When somebody turned me on to a Coltrane record around seventh grade, I took up saxophone.
I changed my name from Gail to Gayle in seventh grade because I liked to make a loopy 'y.'
I got a .30-30 for Christmas in the seventh grade. It wasn't what I asked for, by the way.
I have a hernia scar from when I was a kid. I had a hernia when I was like in fourth grade.
The first song I wrote was called 'Here I Go Falling In Love' I wrote it in the sixth grade.
I played in the percussion section 4th grade through high school - snare and timpani mostly.
I got kicked out in grade school because I staged a riot because I wanted more library time.
I was involved with drama departments since the 5th grade. I played at it. It was an escape.
I used to be the Number One scorer in 5th grade. I used to, yeah. I could always shoot deep.
I spent grade nine and ten going to school in Victoria. My parents lived there for 10 years.
As far as my overall grade or performance in WWE, I'd say I did the best I could at the time.
I made my first website in sixth grade. I was the only girl in my computer programming class.
When I played 'Annie' in the seventh grade, I knew from then on that I wanted to be an actor.
I did attend Catholic schools up to the ninth grade, and I admire much in the Catholic Church.
I grew up in Sydney, Australia, and I started doing acting classes when I was in eighth grade.
I got a part in a play in 10th grade, and that changed everything, woke up my love of theater.
I have a lot of memories of Falls Church. I went to grade school in Madison Elementary School.
In five years, I completed grade school. Even when I was a young boy, I had a plan for my life.
The highest grade I've taught is the 11th grade, and the youngest I've taught is the 4th grade.
Training is my life. It's all I've known since I was in second grade, when I started wrestling.