My first audition ever was for 'Bye Bye Birdie' in fifth grade.

I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.

My family's been coming to my games since I was in grade school.

Until I was in 6th grade, I took ballet, jazz, tap, and hip hop.

I mean, I did a play when I was in eighth grade, but who hasn't?

Around seventh grade, I got a guitar and forgot everything else.

I was diagnosed as mentally retarded as late as the fourth grade.

I was voted 'most shy' in seventh grade! Can you even believe it?

I first sold a cartoon for five dollars. I was in the fifth grade.

I've always been a big guy. I weighed 220 pounds in the 5th grade.

In seventh grade, I met my best friend Wendi, who is a trans woman.

I started out as a Cold Warrior, even my last years in grade school.

I married way out of my pay grade. I have no idea how that happened.

Man, I fought since pre-K. I was small for my grade, but I was tough.

I played violin and got into that Suzuki program in the second grade.

I had my two front teeth knocked out by a sixth grader in first grade.

My mom is a public school teacher and works with third grade students.

I was trained on piano - that was part of grade school and high school.

By the time I was in fifth grade, I was dreaming of the Pulitzer Prize.

Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.

You see, I went to the sixth grade and that was the highest I ever went.

I was the ghost-faced killer for Halloween in the third or fourth grade.

I use a note-taking system I learned in history class in eleventh grade.

My first kiss was in 7th grade. It grossed me out. I kind of freaked out!

I'm so jealous of people who in second grade knew what they wanted to do.

I actually played hockey my whole life, all the way up until ninth grade.

I was a shy kid up until the sixth grade, and then I started to let loose.

I think I was in 10th or 11th grade before I ever read a book for pleasure.

I had been writing fiction since I was in eighth grade, because I loved it.

I was a very shy kid. In 8th grade, I had a teacher who got me into improv.

I did my first show in second grade. I was a munchkin in 'The Wizard of Oz.'

When I was in fifth grade, I got bullied really nastily about my appearance.

I was writing and cartooning and writing short stories from grade school on.

I grew up taking piano lessons and liking Wagner when I was in second grade.

I failed public speaking in grade school, 'cause I was so nervous and scared.

Before the eighth grade, I probably went to seven or eight different schools.

I was at a public school until I was in sixth grade when I moved to New York.

When red-haired people are above a certain social grade their hair is auburn.

I'd read at a much higher-than-average grade level since, well, grade school.

My parents moved back to New York from Florida when I was in the ninth grade.

If you get behind in first grade, then you're behind every grade from then on.

I got into my first fight, Democrat versus Republican, in second grade. I won.

My parents were sharecrop farm kids with no education - seventh, eighth grade.

I started to play in the fourth grade and didn't score for, like, a whole year.

If children are reading well by the 3rd or 4th grade then everything else works.

I started working out with my mom in 4th grade. She used to take me to the track.

In about seventh grade, that's when we started playing around with beats, rhymes.

All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things.

I was one of those dorky kids who'd wanted to go to Harvard since the fifth grade.

In seventh and eighth grade, grammar and vocabulary were not my favorite subjects.

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