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I have the grace of providence to be poor.
Obvious effort is the antithesis of grace.
Humbleness is always grace; always dignity
Neatness is a crowning grace of womanhood.
For the mighty, even to give away is grace.
Grace in women has more effect than beauty.
Laughter is the key that grace has arrived.
It is the gift of heaven and not of reason.
Immerse yourself in the curriculum of grace.
God is sovereign. His grace cannot be tamed.
Delicacy is to love what grace is to beauty.
I am one imperfect man saved by God's grace.
And grace that won who saw to wish her stay.
We all need grace in the face of each other.
Grace is the only thing that is ever enough.
Grace, like water, flows to the lowest part.
I think of moving as a kind of saving grace.
The greatest danger to our future is apathy.
It seemed too good to be true. That's grace.
There is no love which does not become help.
We will find grace to help us when we need it
Let grace conduct thee to the paths of peace.
We can never reflect too much on God's grace.
Grace finds us beggars but leaves us debtors.
America! America! God shed His grace on thee.
Grace is God-given power to live differently.
Sincere prayer is answered by unfailing grace.
I give grace because I so desperately need it.
We know we are falling from grace, millennium.
Grace does not destroy nature, it perfects it.
Will is to grace as the horse is to the rider.
Grace comes to forgive and then forgive again.
We respond to healing grace by giving it away.
Nature hath meal and bran, contempt and grace.
Love is the queen of all the Christain graces.
Dig -- the mostly uncouth -- language of grace.
The gifts of Heaven are never quite gratuitous.
Grace is opposed to earning, but not to effort.
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
When in doubt, start from the top. -Jason Grace
Strictly excel in what is excellence with grace
Grace alone brings about every good work in us.
I welcome all creatures of the world with grace.
I like to play like that, with beauty and grace.
No matter what is going on, everything is grace.
Thinking prevents the unconscious from speaking.
Grace saved my life; it can revolutionize yours.
Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.
Love is a spiritual grace. We learn it from God.
Stick around long enough, you'll get some grace.