Grace isn't enough. You've got to intend to be there when it's happening.

A quiet heart is content with what God gives. It is enough. All is grace.

Sometimes our brains are our own worst enemy because grace isn't logical.

In the midst of our failed attempts at loving Jesus, His grace covers us.

That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you.

Forgiveness from others is charity; from God, grace; from oneself, wisdom.

This is our grace: To be a note In the exact chord that animates creation.

There is one grace you cannot counterfeit . . . the grace of perseverance.

[Religion is] the attempt to be in harmony with an unseen order of things.

Without faith, God's grace is wasted, & without grace, faith is powerless.

Free grace will fix those whom free will shook down into a gulf of misery.

Out of His fulness we receive, and grace for grace, — like wave upon wave.

Sin does not stop God's grace from flowing, but God's grace will stop sin.

Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.

The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.

Grace is inviting to the unrighteous and threatening to the self-righteous

Not going to give casual worship to a God of extravagant beauty and grace!

Lent is a time of grace, a time to convert and live out our baptism fully.

The true test of humility is whether you can say grace before eating crow.

Grace is a quality in people that I just enjoy. It's a very human quality.

If one wants to be called a queen, one should act with civility and grace.

Home was where others had to gather grace. Home was what I wanted to flee.

Religion says "Do." Grace says "Done" because Jesus said "It is finished."

Whatever lives is granted breath But by the grace and sufferance of Death.

True repentance never leads to despair. Its leads home. It leads to grace.

You have to try to take what life throws at you with grace and equanimity.

When we look at clouds we see different shapes. See all the grace you can.

I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty.

The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.

Human will does not by liberty obtain grace, but by grace obtains liberty.

If I’m not showing grace . . . have I forgotten the grace I’ve been shown?

Christ went more willingly to the cross than we do to the throne of grace.

They will never accept grace till they tremble before a just and holy law.

What are you wishing for?' Grace interrupted. 'To kiss you,' I said to her.

We are presumptuous not when we marvel at His grace, but when we reject it.

The grace that saves them is the free undeserved goodness and favor of God.

Esther came to a proud imperious man; we come to the God of love and grace.

But grace has only one direction that it can take. Grace always flows down.

I earnestly long for more grace and personal holiness, and more usefulness.

Grace is when you should be totally punished but are blessed for no reason.

Property exists by grace of the law. It is not a fact, but a legal fiction.

Grace has a way of sneaking up on you like that. When you least deserve it.

Genius is a grace. The true man of genius acts by movement or by impulsion.

Some people are desperate because they don't know how to ask for His grace.

Freedom is a choice. The grace of God abounds, and man is nonetheless free.

But who is innocent? By grace divine, Not otherwise,O Nature! we are thine.

...For grace may only be found briefly, and always in the midst of madness.

As the grace of man is in the mind, so the beauty of the mind is eloquence.

Only we big sinners have this grace of knowing what salvation really means.

Charity, like poetry, should be cultivated, if only for its being graceful.

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