I tell a good story.

A good story never dies.

I go wherever the good story is.

The best defense is a good story.

It's no sin to tell a good story.

I'm a total slave to a good story.

Why ruin a good story with the truth?

I have some good stories yet to tell.

Good stories are constructed, not found.

I think I'm always drawn to a good story

I think I'm always drawn to a good story.

Tension is the cornerstone of any good story.

Without a good story, a franchise won't work.

What I like best is a good story with a moral.

Our children's children will hear a good story.

For me, the first thing is to tell a good story.

Good stories are not written. They are rewritten.

There's nothing more important than a good story.

I am ready to act in Telugu if I get a good story.

A good story is a good story, whatever the medium.

A good story needs equally good talent to foster it.

The truth doesn't always make a good story, does it?

A good story is a good story no matter who wrote it.

There are many more good stories about Jaye Davidson.

Gore isn't required for a good story, but adversity is.

A good story cannot be devised; it has to be distilled.

In my books I try to tell a good story, not give messages.

Be unpredictable, be real, be interesting. Tell a good story.

I want a body of work; I want a good story after a good story.

All I have tried to do as an actor is push good story telling.

A good story isn't preachy; a good story is always entertaining.

I've been reading tabloids since I was nine. I love a good story.

If it's a good story, it's a good story, and it draws readers in.

Anything with a good story and characters I think would be great.

I'd hire the devil himself as a writer if he gave me a good story.

The highest and noblest thing that history can be is a good story.

I think conflict is one of the things that makes for a good story.

All I wanted to do was to follow my passion and tell a good story.

People still love a good story, and I don't think that will change.

I just wanted to be part of telling a good story that shocks people.

I'm a storyteller, not a prophet. I'm just interested in a good story.

I won't say no to projects I believe in if there's a good story there.

When I got the script for 'Eclipse,' I thought it was a damn good story.

A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart.

You just tell a good story where you're funny and it makes people laugh.

With a focus on records and making money, you tend to miss a good story.

Sensationalism sells: Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Every good story is about who we are and our struggle to define ourselves.

Never tell a story because it is true: tell it because it is a good story.

If I can find the right idea, I can get out of the way and do a good story.

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