Gospel in its definition is good news.

In Hollywood, they say good news finds you.

There's no such thing as good news in America.

To a journalist, good news is often not news at all.

House passage is good news for the Northwest corner and our environment.

It would be very good news for the Premier League if Zidane moved to England.

Anything that reduces fuel consumption and cuts down on greenhouse gasses is good news.

Good news for orange lovers: citrus fruit intake has been associated with reduced stroke risk.

Here's the good news. If I realize that I'm insane, then I'm okay with it. I'm not dangerous insane.

As an entrepreneur, what drives you has to be the good news; otherwise, you just don't get out of bed.

The good news is that 'High School Musical' seems to be getting a lot of youngsters excited about theater.

The good news is when you open up in Vegas, you have a lot of friends, because they all come over to see your opening night.

Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.

The good news about building a company during times like this is that the companies that do succeed are going to be extremely strong and resilient.

An Italy that collects lower taxes, that has well-defined times for the court proceedings, and that has less bureaucracy is good news that reassures the markets.

But the good news was that my elder sister refused to get married straight away and I couldn't get married until she did so I had the licence to go off and dream.

Growing up, I think I was arrested 20-odd times by the Boston police. The good news is that I've been able to use those experiences in a lot of my roles, and that has been a blessing.

We all read news stories about the difficulties and tensions that the United States has with our allies and even with coalition partners in Iraq, but we rarely read about the good news.

The good news is that a vast majority of Indians from different religions see no contradiction between religiosity and liberalism, keep India stable. We religious liberals don't talk loudly enough.

So the good news is, if you're unemployed and you go to apply for a job and you're not hired for that job, see a lawyer - you may be able to file for a claim because you were discriminated against because you were unemployed.

The good news for us is the NHL has never been stronger, never been more popular, and that, I guess, has led to a lot of interest being expressed from a number of places, an interest in getting an expansion team, and Las Vegas happens to be one of those places.

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