No one was more important than my mom and dad. I know they are watching from a place up in heaven here today to make sure all their kids are doing good.

My parents did the whole good-cop/bad-cop thing - Dad was the bad cop, and Mom was the good cop. I remember my father saying, 'I'm his father, not his friend.' That kind of stuck with me.

I eat a lot of Chicken McNuggets, which are full of protein. No, seriously, I train probably two or three times a week. I'm also lucky that my parents have good genetics - so, thanks, Mom and Dad!

The more words I learned, the more I started to verbalize my feelings. Whenever my mom or dad would compliment me by saying something like 'Good boy,' I'd immediately correct them. 'No. Good girl.'

It was my mom who pushed me. My mom actually pushed my dad to train me. My dad knows what it takes to play at this level and be a really good basketball player, and he just wanted me to make the choice for myself.

My parents couldn't give me a whole lot of financial support, but they gave me good genes. My dad is a handsome son-of-a-gun, and my mom is beautiful. And I've definitely been the lucky recipient. So, thank you, Mom and Dad.

Bob Dole. He's like the neighbors' Labrador retriever your dad used to curse for all that barking, all that darn digging in your mom's tulip bed, and now look, you live next door to a godforsaken pack of teeth-baring rabid Pomeranians, and, good golly, Bob Dole!

It's been a long road. A humble Dearborn beginning. Secretary mom, dad teaching handicapped children. Working for what they had. Eventually, I moved to L.A. but, not good for me, I felt rejected. So I stopped acting and, needing to feel good inside, became a chef.

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