My fans keep me in good spirits.

I think Red Sox fans have always been good to me; they've treated me well.

Most fans outside Denver don't like me, and for good reason. I give them every reason not to like me.

The fans are really good in China - not only Shanghai; wherever I go, everybody who stops me is super nice.

I'll have a stamp on me forever. There will always be questions. I brought new fans to the Orioles' organization, and that's good.

Selfies became too big. The selfie photos are not good. Fans ask me for a selfie, and I say, 'Let's just do a photo.' I'm not anti-selfie, but I like a classic photograph.

It's all about the stache, and I have so many fans that offer me tips on mustache wax that I actually really appreciate. I've been able to get some leads on some good products.

When I left Middlesbrough I went back there and bought a lot of shirts from the club shop and signed them for the fans. They were very good to me and I wanted to say thank you.

For me, a good show is not a perfect show; it's just one where you connected. It's a show where the fans got to know you, and they realize that you're human, but they also think you're a star and that you're talented and all that good stuff.

I suffer panic attacks which has made me really conscious about my fitness and I have become addicted to jogging. It might sound odd but a lot of good has come out of it. My fans send letters saying they have taken up jogging because I do it.

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