God makes all things good; Man meddles with 'em and they become evil.

Good manners open the closed doors; bad manners close the open doors!

Down on your knees, and thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love.

Which would be worse - to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?

A good woman is known by what she does; a good man by what he doesn't.

It really is true that an orator is simply a good man who speaks well.

The purpose of the church is to make bad men good and good men better.

Leadership consists of picking good men and helping them do their best.

Many things are good, many are important, but only a few are essential.

All that needs to be done for evil to prevail is good men doing nothing.

Every actual State is corrupt. Good men must not obey the laws too well.

Good manners and soft words have brought many a difficult thing to pass.

As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man.

Every good leader is part manager and every good manager is part leader.

States are doomed when they are unable to distinguish good men from bad.

God himself took a day to rest in, and a good man's grave is his Sabbath.

My style is to keep folks in place who are good managers and want to win.

I'm not interested in a good man's life. I'm interested in contradiction.

The old saying is true, behind every good man theres an incredible woman.

Good men are bad men's instructors, And bad men are good men's materials.

The passions of a revolution are apt to hurry even good men into excesses.

It is infinitely better to have a few good men than many indifferent ones.

The good man brings good to things out of the good stored up in his heart.

Good people equals good management and good management equals good people.

Is Snowden a good man or a bad man? I have no clue and even less interest.

Education and morals make the good man, the good statesman, the good ruler.

It's because even a good man can't always be right, that we need ... rules.

Heaven prepares good men with crosses; but no ill can happen to a good man.

My father was a good man, but he was a con man. He was a wanderer, nomadic.

To speak well of a base man is much the same as speaking ill of a good man.

A good man can be stupid and still be good. But a bad man must have brains.

That bad manners are so prevalent in the world is the fault of good manners.

Good manners is part of taqwa and you cannot have taqwa without good manners

There is no fair in life and death. If it were, no good men would die young.

There is a difference between being a good man and being good at being a man.

You can get through life with bad manners, but it's easier with good manners.

A good man can never be the enemy of someone; if he did, he ain't a good man!

A good man does not make a warrior, just as good steel does not go for nails.

Like you do about Nelson Mandela, you can't help feeling the guy's a good man.

Good men study to spiritualize their bodies; bad men to incarnate their souls.

A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means.

It is good manners, not rank, wealth, or beauty, that constitute the real lay.

Mr. Trump's a good man, but he doesn't know much about the health care system.

The times are never so bad but that a good man can make shift to live in them.

I don't have a desire for material things. As long as I'm happy, I'm good, man.

I want to be a good creature for reasons beyond sharing a life with a good man.

He that dies without the company of good men puts not himselfe into a good way.

The world is upheld by the veracity of good men: they make the earth wholesome.

The good man, though a slave, is free; the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave.

Good manners protect the privileged, but leave the unprivileged more vulnerable.

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