To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.

Don't let the good days get to your head, and don't let the bad days get to your heart.

A good wine has many qualities, I think. If drunk moderately, it is healthy and good for your heart.

You must know in your heart before anyone else does what is going to be good and then follow through.

Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes. It gave me the strength to persevere and warmed my heart.

I guess you could write a good song if your heart hadn't been broken, but I don't know of anyone whose heart hasn't been broken.

Eating a stick of butter will raise HDL in those who are able to do so, but that does not mean that butter is good for your heart. It isn't.

When you write a song, you don't ask if it's good or not, or if it's gonna sell. When you write a song, you ask whether you've reached deep inside your heart and whether it's honest.

More and more research shows that chocolate is good for you. It's a mood elevator. It contains a lot of antioxidants and will keep us younger. It's good for your heart and acts like aspirin. It keeps your cholesterol low.

Very often with an American movie, the end is very happy and you just feel good when you go out. When you go to a French movie, it's kind of like, oh!, and you can't go out; you're stuck in your chair. It goes so deeply inside of the heart.

Yoga stretches out your body and releases lactic acid. I do it four times a week, and my skin feels fantastic afterwards. When I'm doing a film, I do it every day - I keep a yoga mat in my trailer. Sometimes I do it in front of the TV. The stretching makes me feel so good. It gets my heart going and helps me breathe deeply.

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