People feel good serving others.

My aim is to just make people feel good and happy.

Hats make people feel good, and that's the point of them.

People who produce good results feel good about themselves.

I really don't like hurting people; I like making people feel good.

People feel good about doing things with you if you're enthusiastic.

You get onstage and make other people feel happy. Make them feel good.

It makes you feel good to know that there's other people afflicted like you.

Nothing that you do will ever feel good if you let people convince you that you have no choice.

Some people collect stamps; I like fashion, discovering nice new things. I feel good about doing that.

I think people take a liking to a voice or something that makes them smile and feel good about themselves.

I want people to get over the stigma about hemp. These seeds can't make you high, but they will make you feel good.

Don't hang out with a bunch of people who drag you down when you can hang out with one person who makes you feel good.

I'm a warm person and I like people to feel comfortable - if they're comfortable they're going to relax, cook and feel good.

I like to make other people feel good, and if receiving my autograph brings them a little bit of pleasure, then I'm so glad to do it.

I don't make big promises about losing weight or anything like that. I just suggest things that people can make to make them feel good.

People want to feel good about the choices they make. They want to know they're choosing material that's not going to harm the environment.

Some people feel good about helping others, and they do so often. They do not realize that their good deeds have a second agenda. They want to be appreciated.

You can give poor people this royal wedding to watch and make them feel good about themselves, or you can give them something useful like, I don't know... a toaster.

You go overseas and people are oppressed and scared and worried but we're not like that... we're more like my films and how people come out at the end of seeing them - they feel good.

I put a spell on people so they don't know they're working out... An enchanting spell, where they just don't think about it, or over think it, and then at the end they go, 'Wow, I feel good.'

I also know that there are a lot of people around the United States who want my husband to win and who are for him and who support our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I feel good about those people, too.

Listen, talk, be respectful of people - and make sure that you have openness to where people are coming from. And you don't do anything that is unnecessarily antagonistic, that is only going to make you feel good because you've done it.

The psychology of fashion is interesting because we're selling people something they don't really need. We're just selling them something that makes them feel good. Besides, there is nothing really new in fashion. Everything worth doing has been done before.

Succeeding makes us feel good. But beating someone else makes us feel really good. Comparing ourselves to others and coming out on top creates a sense of entitlement. And when we feel entitled, we cheat more because, of course, the rules don't apply to awesome people like us.

I took the whole college prep trajectory, and then in my senior year of high school, I decided that performing was something that I had always done as a kid, and I loved it... I said, 'This makes people happy when I do this, I feel good, I get to pretend and explore other areas and learn so much'.

Upbeat is for people who want to feel good about their cause: the reformers, the progressives, the revolutionaries, the utopians, the collectivists, and the rest of the altruistic scum of the earth. Why do these people want to feel good? They want to feel good in order to convince themselves that they are good.

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