Financially, people always assume you're good when you're a rapper.

Good people are always forgiving. They close an eye to one's failings.

People are always good company when they are doing what they really enjoy.

I have always argued, in a good novel, interesting things happen to interesting people.

People are stubborn, and sometimes even if change is good, people will always oppose change.

I always thought I was good. That's why it was so frustrating when other people didn't agree.

If we invest in the American people, the American people always bring this Nation a good return.

Most people don't know that I'll eat anything spicy. A little extra kick is always a good thing!

I've always read in order to figure out people more, and that includes bad people and good people.

No matter how much good you do, there will always be a few per cent of people who don't support you.

The kind of people who always go on about whether a thing is in good taste invariably have very bad taste.

I always want to make an album that lets people immerse in it, kind of like you get caught up in a good movie.

I'm always good mates with everyone and stay on the good side of people. I never let any bad blood between anyone.

Good companies are always fundraising. Whether you're meeting people or considering firms, you're always fundraising.

There are more honest people and more good people than there are thieves and bad people. It's just always been that way.

Why are people always shooting zombies? Why not just chop their heads off? How can zombies get you if you have a good sword?

Listen, I always choose to see the good in people. And everybody's different, everybody chooses to handle things differently.

I feel that bad people exist everywhere. I've always maintained that it is not the industry that is good or bad: it's the people.

I always tell people this: to be a savvy politician or a good head of state and to be charitable are not mutually exclusive things.

I've realized over the years I either play very good people or very bad people, and I think I always enjoy the very bad people more.

People don't know how good cauliflower is, because they always have this image of cauliflower cheese - awful, sticky, creamy and rich.

The one message I always send to young people is, Don't be afraid to try different things to see what feels right and what's a good fit.

I wasn't a very good waitress, always spilling things on people and forgetting things. I once spilled ashes all over Mike Wallace's table.

It has always been sensible for good citizens to own and carry firearms for lawful protection against violent criminals who prey on decent people.

It's always good to get feedback from people. I've been fortunate that all the fans, and especially fans of 'Teen Wolf,' have been really gracious.

There are always protests, whether you do something good or bad. Even if you do something beneficial, people say you do it because it's advertising.

I've always been a very collaborative person, and I think 'Cop Car' and all the people I worked with who made it possible is a good example of that.

Players like people saying good things about them and, of course, no one is ever wrong when they do that, but they always are when they say bad stuff.

I have nothing against the Indian people, and I have always enjoyed going to India, as the people there appreciate and support good cricket and players.

I've always wanted to stay involved with young people. I never bought into the idea that entertainers owe nothing to their audience except a good performance.

I've always admired people like Donal McCann. He wasn't a household name, but if he put his name to something, you were guaranteed a good yarn at the very least.

When you make a record, I always imagine people dancing to it. If the chef thinks it tastes good, then there will be someone who ultimately believes the same thing.

Heroes are people who are all good with no bad in them. That's the way I always saw Joe DiMaggio. He was beyond question one of the greatest players of the century.

I'm very good with technology, I always have been, and with machines in general. They seem not threatening like other people find them, but a source of fun and amusement.

I knew no matter how good I did, no matter everything that I pushed for, there's always gonna be some type of doubt. Some people want to put limitations on what I can do.

Screenwriting is always about what people say or do, whereas good writing is about a thought process or an abstract image or an internal monologue, none of which works on screen.

The legwork is always hard. Really finding people that you think are good enough. Just the definition of what we have to do is finding good enough people that you really think are special.

I've played more golf with Joe Montana and Steve Bono than I've played with anyone else. We've played a ton of golf. I always tell people; my relationship with Joe was as good as it could be.

The human animal cannot be trusted for anything good except en masse. The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction.

I always thought that the badge a cop has was more like the shield that Captain America has. It's an obvious sign of good and something you'll protect other people with, but it will also protect you.

I think whenever people talk about the 'Anna Sui woman,' they're talking about someone that's probably kind of more downtown, and there's always like this ambiguity: Is she a good girl, or a bad girl?

If you're not good at juggling, then you're not juggling. I always tell people that. If you're dropping a lot of balls, then maybe you shouldn't juggle. And that's fine... there's different ways of working.

The thematic bucket of vomit that I've been chained to since I was about 9 is the moral complexity of anti-heroism. I have always been interested in good people who do bad things for understandable reasons.

I'm never going to be one of those people who is good at organization. But I'm very visual. I have a catalog in my head of things I already own, so it's easy to shop and I always know exactly what I'm looking for.

I'd always been the confident guy in school. I was good in math and English, but I was still shy. I couldn't get up and speak in front of people. I was asked to do it when I was 10 years old and I burst out crying.

In England the judges should have independence to protect the people against the crown. Here the judges should not be independent of the people, but be appointed for not more than seven years. The people would always re-elect the good judges.

And I would say that the main thing that I faced as a female in this industry was being underestimated. But being underestimated isn't always a bad thing. It's nice to get out there and blow people's minds when they think you're not gonna be any good.

People always talk and always will - 'He's good now because he's at Barca,' 'He was only good then because he was in China,' blah, blah, blah. When I was at Bragantino and I went to Corinthians it was the same; it was the same at Tottenham and in China. I've had that since the beginning.

One of the most distinctive things about our band is Jordan's voice. It stands out - in a good way for some people and in a bad way for others. But there's no mistaking it. That gives us a lot of room to do what we want musically. With Jordan singing, it'll always sound like New Found Glory.

What most people don't understand is that UFOs are on a cosmic tourist route. That's why they're always seen in Arizona, Scotland, and New Mexico. Another thing to consider is that all three of those destinations are good places to play golf. So there's possibly some connection between aliens and golf.

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