I'm not a golfing man.

I have had the most spoiled golfing life.

My hobbies are painting, crafts, and I like golfing.

Other guys like to go golfing, but music is my hobby.

I love working out. I also go horse-riding and golfing.

I've been fortunate to have some great golfing buddies.

You don't go dancing in the day. You don't go golfing in the night.

All I've got against golf is it takes you so far from the clubhouse.

I started golfing through my dad. I started playing at a really young age.

There are no short hitters on the tour anymore - just long and unbelievably long.

I can't stand golfing, I'm not a golfer. Can't do five hours of chasing a ball around a field.

Every time Trump goes golfing, the headline should read, 'Trump Goes Golfing. Apocalypse Delayed.'

I started golfing at a young age, and growing up with two older brothers, it made me mature a lot younger.

If you take my entire golfing life, my favorites are the older courses, the more traditional and the more authentic.

The people at Barstool Sports are a bunch of average Joes, who like most guys love sports, gambling, golfing and chasing short skirts.

The earliest golfing memories that I have are of the Italian Open when I was about six years of age. Watching that event is how I really got started in the game.

I've had two lives. The golfing part... the younger generation sort of heard about me but maybe didn't realize I wasn't too bad at times. Then the announcing part.

I think anybody that has had a bad game, or, I dunno, I guess if you go out golfing and you hook a couple balls, are you thinking about it until you get it figured out?

I feel guilty: when I'm not golfing, I feel like I should be golfing. And when I'm golfing, I feel like I should be home working or spending time with the family. So it's a real conundrum.

My doctor asked me if I smoked, and I said only when I'm working, golfing, or drinking. Then I realized the only time I don't smoke is when I'm home. I didn't even realize I'd become a smoker.

And yeah, my handicap was down to a 10 when we were at the thick of it. I trained for six or seven months, golfing every day for six hours, seven days a week, with eight trainers. It was intense.

A lot of people in the media say that Donald Trump goes golfing too much, which raises a very important question: Why do you care? Do you want to know what he's not doing when he's golfing? Being president. Let the man putt-putt!

If you are out there golfing, and you hit a bad shot, anyone who knows golf will tell you that you just have to forget about it. If you don't, you'll hit another bad one and another and then another. It plays with your head. It's the same way in a fight.

I think daycare is great for people who have to work two jobs. My problem is with people who are dropping kids off at daycare because they want to go out and spend the day golfing or getting their nails done. You know what I mean? That's not why they invented daycare.

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