Sam, had a great time this weekend but the golf was lousey.

Golf is not a game of good shots. It's a game of bad shots.

May thy ball lie in green pastures, and not in still waters.

His nerve, his memory, and I can't remember the third thing.

Golf: The most ... perfect expression of National Stupidity.

I don't know if I even have an aura, man. I just try to win.

In golf, as in life, you get out of it what you put into it.

I'll watch golf while I work out. I'm your average golf fan.

When my father realized he was going blind, he took up golf.

The smaller the ball used in the sport, the better the book.

What a shame to waste those great shots on the practice tee.

If I go play golf with the guys, it's intended to be a joke.

Only one golfer in a thousand grips the club lightly enough.

It's Star Wars golf. This place was designed by Darth Vader.

I’m going to pass a law that no one can ask me my golf score.

Titleist has offered me a big contract not to play its balls.

It's not whether you win or lose - but whether I win or lose.

It's fun to be able to play good golf not having your A game.

The last time I had this much fun was a root-canal operation.

Selecting a stroke is like selecting a wife. To each his own.

I don't cover golf tournaments anymore - I preside over them.

I have played a handful of rounds of golf with Wayne Gretzky.

He used to be fairly indecisive, but now he's not so certain.

The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf.

Colin Montgomerie is a few French fries short of a Happy Meal.

The real success in golf lies in turning three shots into two.

I happened to be one of those guys who doesn't play much golf.

Playing polo is like trying to play golf during an earthquake.

On one hole, I hit an alligator so hard, he's now my golf bag.

The one stroke marks the difference between fame and oblivion.

My golf must be improving, I'm not hitting as many spectators.

Discipline and concentration are a matter of being interested.

We were all born with webbed feet and a golf club in our hand.

There's so much more to life than golf. Family is always first.

As your golf improves, your concentration will improve with it.

Playing from deep grass is a fact of life in professional golf.

[On golf:] One of the most distressing defects of civilization.

Golf is the only game I know where you call a foul on yourself.

My slogan is who needs fitness when you've got great equipment.

Now I do bowling, golf, and tennis. I want to be a good bowler.

The only shots you can be sure of are those you've had already.

"Play it as it lies" is one of the fundamental dictates of golf

Golf has made me and shaped me into the person I am here today.

I never taught my girls to play golf; they all played softball.

It's OK to have butterflies. Just get them flying in formation.

Going to the golf course every day for work? That's a good job.

We learn so many things from golf: how to suffer, for instance.

You can't make good scores happen. You've got to let it happen.

I move around and play different golf courses. I just enjoy it.

A great deal of unnecessarily bad golf is played in this world.

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