Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.

I can be a tennis player, a golf player, and even a soccer player.

Nobody ever heard Jack Nicklaus say "I don't know" about anything.

It's a heck of a lot harder to stay on top than it is to get there.

You swing your best when you have the fewest things to think about.

The only place that's holier than St. Andrews is Westminster Abbey.

Golf is like a chain. You always have to work on the weakest links.

I think the hardest part about Golf is being committed to your wife

You have Obama that wants to play golf instead of deal with people.

The great thing about this game is that the bad days are wonderful.

While playing golf today I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake.

All my life I wanted to play golf like Jack Nicklaus, and now I do.

You do what you need to if you're serious about playing great golf.

Golf is the most fun you can have with out taking your clothes off.

I like going there for golf. America is one vast golf course today.

I don't enjoy playing video golf because there is nothing to throw.

Some people play golf. Some are artists, Some jog. I like to write.

I'm not the only foreigner who took up golf while living in Jakarta.

Anybody who plays golf will tell you that you play against yourself.

The only thing I fear on a golf course is lightning...and Ben Hogan.

Life is great and golf has been one of the great parts of it for me.

Too many people asking too many questions in tennis. Golf is better.

It is the glorious uncertainty of golf that makes it the game it is.

Golf is a passion that will stay with me forever. That's all I know.

A lot of people are afraid of winning. I was afraid I might not win.

There is no type of miracle that can't happen at least once in golf.

The last thing you want to do is shoot 80 wearing 'tartan troosers'.

It breaks towards the center of the earth when it is above the hole.

All I've got against golf is it takes you so far from the clubhouse.

In Argentina, I trained in the mornings, and I played a lot of golf.

Bad Sausage and five bogeys will give you a stomach ache every time.

I always say golf's a really good exposer of a player's personality.

While playing golf today, I hit two good balls. I stepped on a rake.

They call it golf because all the other four-letter words were taken.

When I ask you what club to use, look the other way and don't answer.

There are no shortcuts to good golf. The better players realize this.

When Lee and Jack win, it is good for golf. When I win, it is better.

In golf, 'close' is like the north and south rim of the Grand Canyon.

The business man - the man to whom age brings golf instead of wisdom.

The trouble with golf is that you are only as good as your last putt.

They say that golf isn't a contact sport. Not the way that we play it

He's tough (Tiger Woods). I wish I was that tough when I was his age.

I try to build courses for the most enjoyment by the greatest number.

Golf is more fun than walking naked in a strange place, but not much.

Bob Hope has a beautiful short game. Unfortunately, it's off the tee.

Faldo has lost a lot of respect from players because of what he said.

Why waste good shots in practice when you might need them in a match?

They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken.

When I'm not acting, I'm playing golf. I'm pretty passionate about it.

You worked your paper route, mowed the lawn, then played golf all day.

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