Lay ye down the golden chain From Heaven, and pull at its inferior links Both Goddesses and Gods.

When you've lived through the golden age of photojournalism, there's no point in being nostalgic.

Intelligence and courtesy not always are combined; Often in a wooden house a golden room we find.

1936 is a very important year: a golden time for martial arts, right before the Japanese invasion.

I do the Golden Globes because they say I can say what I want. I wouldn't have that at the Oscars.

The future holds a golden world. It will be for beauty; it will be for intelligent productiveness.

And Fall, with her yeller harvest moon and the hills growin' brown and golden under a sinkin' sun.

The Golden Rule of Parenting is; do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you!

As you will come to see, much is governed by the Golden Rule: he who has the gold makes the rules.

I've been nominated for Emmys and Golden Globes, but I've never won one and I probably never will.

I want to win Nobel Peace Prizes, as many Grammys as I can, Emmys, Golden Globes, VMAs, everything.

I started out as being a diva in a golden dress and now to a more bearded drag artist guy in boots.

I really wanted the MTV Award the most, It was a golden popcorn container and it looks really neat.

Even if I hadn't have been nominated for an Oscar, to have won the Golden Glove was just fantastic.

Living with golden fantasies of an endlessly nurtured infancy can be a neurotic refusal to grow up.

God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones.

My career was dwindling down and I got to be in Golden State for two years and show I still have it.

I'm so honored that I got the best guitarist award for the fifth annual Revolver Golden Gods awards.

I think It's a bit of a disappointment that a lot of people's Golden Age of music is still the '60s.

Marriage is like a golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity.

Silence may be golden, but can you think of a better way to entertain someone than to listen to him?

Every morning as I read the scripture, every night, I quote the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.

At Earth's great market where Joy is trafficked in, Buy while thy purse yet swells with golden Youth.

As we build back better from Covid-19, we must not waste the golden opportunity to take back control.

It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves.

If the Internet turns out not to be the future of computing, we're toast. But if it is, we're golden.

I call the '70s the "golden age of television"; in the early '70s there were sensationally good shows.

Part of obedience to the Golden Rule is knowing how to respond once you've behaved in an unloving way.

I have my golden retriever now, Pontiac. He's a career-change guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind.

I do believe that we're in a true golden era of television, and I think it started with 'Hill Street.'

One of my biggest and most influential was 'The Golden Girls.' That show, I remember specific episodes.

Are you the one with the blue eyes?" "Actually, my eyes are usually described as golden...and luminous.

Sit and do nothing. Every once in a while a golden fish swims by and lays her golden eggs. You'll know.

The presentation of the Golden Badge of the Movement is the highest honor the Third Reich has to offer.

Let's see, what was my favorite of 'Golden Girls'. Anything Stan was involved with, I was obsessed with.

I feel as though my life is bathed in golden sunlight. And the really wonderful thing is that I know it.

When I left New York, not a lot of shows were happening there, but 'Golden Boy' is such a New York show.

In old time we had treen chalices and golden priests, but now we have treen priests and golden chalices.

Capo, my first golden retriever, so loved to swim she once jumped off a cliff to get into Lake Superior.

A lot of my characters are underdogs or sad or lonely, but I had a comfortable, golden sort of childhood.

We moved, and there was a golden era in the '40s when we were so conscious of who we were as Australians.

Just like I have all the capabilities to become a big star, Golden Boy has all the tools to get me there.

He that does a base thing in zeal for his friend burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together.

Even during the golden age of fashion, you had haute couture houses where the designers didn't have money.

Refusing to accept God's love because we're unworthy - of course we're unworthy! - is another golden calf.

The finance enchains with golden bonds states and peoples, the economy becomes nomadic, the life uprooted.

After I got back my career and my artistic freedom in 1982, my golden rule is the music must never suffer.

As long as you have your own apartment and you can pretty much make rent for the next year, you're golden!

I just felt that 'Golden Balls' was the right thing to do. I didn't care if people thought I was a failure.

When you're the cash cow that lays the golden goose egg, people are always going to cheer you on, whatever.

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