Sabbath's golden rule: Cease from what is necessary. Embrace that which gives life.

That's the trouble with directors. Always biting the hand that lays the golden egg.

Walter Cronkite had a golden rule for all wartime reporters: never self-aggrandize.

Possibilities swung from the ropes of his life like charms on a watch chain, golden.

I have a necklace with a golden key, given to me by my sisters, which I always wear.

The golden age of Hollywood was the conceit of the movie and the style of the movie.

I grew up in Milan during the golden age of designers. There was fashion all around.

There's so many stories to tell in Hollywood in the Golden Age that stems from truth.

Sister Hinckley and I are learning that the so-called golden years are laced with lead.

There's no point stepping up to the golden platform if you're going to repeat yourself.

Istanbul owes its extraordinary situation to Golden Horn, Marmara Sea and The Bosphorus.

I like to be at home because I just travel so much. I have four dogs, golden retrievers.

Be thou comforted, little dog, Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail.

That is one of the things I dream about for myself: to receive the 'golden ball' someday.

A kind of golden hour one remembers for a life time... Everything was touched with magic.

My Miu Miu gown at the Golden Globes was the first time I had anything custom-made for me.

I used to practice those trampoline dunks back at Golden State. I can flip and everything.

The golden rule of friendship is to listne to others as you would have them listen to you.

No philosopher's stone of a constitution can produce golden conduct from leaden instincts.

The sun is coming down to earth, and the fields and the waters shout to him golden shouts.

I'm lucky that I was in retailing during the time that I call the golden age of retailing.

The Golden Rule of Habit Change: You can't extinguish a bad habit, you can only change it.

The so-called 'last golden age,' in the 1970s, most of those movies were independent films.

The golden rule when reading the menu is, if you cannot pronounce it, you cannot afford it.

I was always happy off the court at Golden State. It was on the court that I was frustrated.

What golden hour of life, what glittering moment will ever equal the pain its loss can cause?

I feel like I've been given the golden ticket to success and there's no way I can mess it up.

I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of your ten commandments.

Generosity is the key to all relationships. To friendships and bands. That's the golden rule.

Our earthly loves are but so many silver steps leading us up to the great golden love of God.

I think '50s was the golden period. I am a fan of '50s cinema. I wish I was born at that time.

Him that yon soars on golden wing, guiding the fiery-wheelèd throne, the Cherub Contemplation.

That golden sky, which was the doubly blessed symbol of advancing day and of approaching rest.

They baffle me where they go with the storylines... we used to be a Golden Globe winning show.

Golden opportunities are nothing to laziness, but industry makes the commonest chances golden.

The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.

Nothing could be lovelier than running across the Golden Gate Bridge in the middle of the fog.

Lastly (and this is, perhaps, the golden rule), no woman should marry a man who does not smoke.

I'd like to begin by thanking the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press for this Golden Globe.

Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.

Whoever cultivates the golden mean avoids both the poverty of a hovel and the envy of a palace.

The Golden Girls certainly proved that there was a large audience for a show about older women.

I came of age during the Golden Age of rom coms - like the '90s and 2000s - there were so many.

Looking Backward was written in the belief that the Golden Age lies before us and not behind us.

When you start being enthusiastic about whatever it is you like, that is the golden age for you.

The need to treat ourselves as well as we treat others. It's women's version of the Golden Rule.

The golden rule to apply in all such cases is resolutely to refuse to have what millions cannot.

The golden rule in the arts, as far as I am concerned, is that all rules are meant to be broken.

I'm a bronzer girl, for sure. I love to always look golden or like I just stepped off the beach.

So see every opportunity as golden, and keep your eyes on the prize - yours, not anybody else's.

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