There is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.

I wanted you to go away, because it hurts to be with you when I can't see you." - Po

Doubt is merely a thought. When experience proves it wrong, it will quickly go away.

I'm very frugal, so I don't like to shop because I'm afraid everything is going away.

If u don't like warriors then i don't like u so go away u stalkers... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

The gambling interests like to point to the construction jobs, but those jobs go away

It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.

There will always be someone being picked on at school, and it's not going to go away.

Morning," I say. "Shh," she says. "If you don't acknowledge it, maybe it will go away.

I understand English; I read and write English perfectly, but the accent won't go away.

If we can remember the feeling of love we once had, we can die without ever going away.

To renounce things is not to give them up. It is to acknowledge that all things go away.

I dont make resolutions, because resolutions seem so ephemeral and transient to go away.

I never failed to convince an audience that the best thing they could do was to go away.

Does pain go away and leave no trace, then?’ ‘You sometimes even feel sentimental for it.

Death has nothing to do with going away.The sun sets The moon sets But they are not gone.

I wanted this to be a movie on TV so I could press the off button and make it all go away.

I always get very fit if I'm going away filming for two months in Afghanistan or wherever.

Keep going. You're almost there and remember, the sun is most beautiful as it's going away.

Our job in gospel is not going away. It's a sustainable genre. It sells - without question.

A blockhead cannot come in, nor go away, nor sit, nor rise, nor stand, like a man of sense.

Cats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal.

You go away for a long time and return a different person - you never come all the way back.

Now go away then, and leave me alone. I don't want any more of your meretricious persiflage.

I like people to go away from a Queen show feeling fully entertained, having had a good time.

We actually went public partly because we wanted companies to realise we were not going away.

I know that the hard work got me here. And the day I stop working hard, this can all go away.

Humility comes from understanding that the obstacles in front of you are not going to go away.

Right before my eyes, I could see my life going away from me and there was nothing I could do.

I'm not going away fast; I've been around for a while, and plan to be around for a while more.

It's an organic thing that I try not to analyze too much, because I worry that it will go away.

Grief is forever. It doesn't go away; it becomes part of you, step for step, breath for breath.

Why are there so many puritans in this country, and why can't the rest of us make them go away?!

Yes, I have cancer and it might not go away, but I can still have a future because life goes on.

A compromise is done willingly and out of love. You don't go away thinking, "I betrayed myself."

Love won't be tampered with, love won't go away. Push it to one side and it creeps to the other.

That's what the whole Sixties Flower-Power thing was about: 'Go away, you bunch of boring people.

Just remember this- weird's good. Embrace the weird, dude. Enjoy it because it's never going away.

It suddenly seemed to me that I was lonely, that everyone was forsaking me and going away from me.

The terror of performing never goes away. Instead, you get very, very comfortable being terrified.

Ever step you take is forever. You cant make it go away. None of it. You understand what I'm sayin?

Even if you're in charge of the grand story there's still memory. The other stories do not go away.

The Germans will make a few scattered attacks, then go away. The Romans will enjoy a fine September.

Scars fade with time. And the ones that never go away, well, they build character, maturity, caution.

That's one thing I don't want to happen is a regret getting a tat because that bad boy not going away.

When you win a championship, it is a great feeling, and you really don't want that feeling to go away.

Sometimes we walk away from our big dreams; but then, this time our big dreams don't let us to go away!

A good use for me is to let me go away with my sewing machine and come back with some really new stuff.

Here's a brave old reality, taxes don't go away; raising them never generates revenue, never ever ever.

You have to go away to come back. That's just normal. That's with bands, actors, comedians, everything.

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