For a goalkeeper, there is no hiding place

What a debut for the young goalkeeper, as a striker.

I am not the best goalkeeper in the world, it is Vladimir Beara.

Don't try to beat the goalkeeper...Tr y to destroy the goalkeeper.

If you forget you have to struggle for improvement you go backward.

I had a certain system at penalties, I always watched the goalkeeper.

Arsenal have a goalkeeper emergency at the moment. I'll gladly step in.

That's often the best place to beat a goalkeeper, isn't it, between the legs?

I couldn't have been a great goalkeeper without power, agility and quickness.

Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties.

I don't want to be remembered as a good goalkeeper. I want to be remembered as a great person.

Every old goalkeeper loses a step at some point, but you can gain that back through experience.

Senzo Meyiwa was just a young kid and was already becoming one of the best goalkeepers in Africa.

He has been outstanding. [Manuel] Neuer is an extraordinary goalkeeper, who would deserve to win it.

As a goalkeeper, you can't come off the bench for 10 minutes and prove your worth - it's either you're in or you're out.

In a sense it's a one-man show... except there are two men involved, Hartson and Berkovic, and a third man, the goalkeeper.

Maybe Napoleon was wrong when he said we were a nation of shopkeepers... Today England looked like a nation of goalkeepers.

Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late 20s or 30s and sometimes not even then. Or so it would appear. To me anyway. Don't you think the same?

I heard the South African 'keeper had been killed and I thought it was probably one of their former goalkeepers, but when I confirmed it was Senzo Meyiwa, I was shattered.

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