There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.

You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family.

I make it a point to go home every weekend so I can meet with Georgians and hear from them directly.

When I retire, I'm going to go home and say, 'I played for what?' You know, if I don't win anything.

Even though I live in America more, I feel like when I go to Adelaide, that's when I get to go home.

Every person needs to go home and have that person to wake up to - eventually, when the party's over.

I've done a lot of partying in my time because I didn't want to go home and I didn't know what to do.

For me, broadcasting is a job and I've only ever seen it as a job. I turn up, do the job and go home.

I'm just going to crumble like a wreck. I'll go home, become an alcoholic and maybe! jump of a bridge.

I'm going to go down swinging... I'm sure as heck not going to go home and say I had a bad tournament.

I'd like to go out with friends, but I train twice a day, then I go to school, and at night I go home.

For me, I stay pretty focused on football, and then at the end of the day, you just go home and relax.

If I go home from a day of shooting, and I haven't at some point felt the magic, I'm really frustrated.

It's quite nice to have a place to leave things. You can be a permanent gypsy, but it's nice to go home.

I'm pretty shy when I go home because I was pretty shy growing up, and I think I go back to that person.

I once saw Dizzy Gillespie at a live show, and it made me want to go home immediately and start writing.

Every celebrity has his or her own personal life. When they go home, they have problems and issues, too.

I don't get the sense of doing anything of national importance. I travel to the studio, work and go home.

The only time I am seen in public is when I go to work. When I go home to England, I never leave my home.

There are moments to indulge and enjoy, but I always know when it's time to go home and wash my knickers.

I'm not the kind of coach who says, 'Let's do a few piggy-in-the-middle exercises and go home for lunch.'

I go home, I have dinner with my wife and kids, and after my kids go to bed, I'm back online doing stuff.

I train and I go home, and when I'm home, I think about training. That's my life every day, and that's it.

I wish I had some interesting stories about living in L.A., but mostly I just do my work and then go home.

Having a child, that's huge. I get to go home and hug my daughter. That's the greatest thing in the world.

I need to stop carving out four-hour chunks to do random things and go home and watch my children grow up.

I have an office at my house, so when I go home I am always pulling inspiration and putting ideas together.

Guns go home with the soldiers, but landmines are designed to kill - mindlessly, out of control, for years.

I only like doing live telly. It's great because you go in and do it and then go home. No edit, no retakes.

If you don't feel comfortable in a plunging sweater, skin-tight jeans and killer heels, go home and change.

I was a kid. I would go home and play instruments, and I would be at school on the playground the next day.

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they're real dogs.

We closed the restaurant in New Orleans and brought the entire staff to San Francisco. But we had to go home.

I just love to go home, no matter where I am, the most luxurious hotel suite in the world, I love to go home.

I miss hunting and when I go home I always find an opportunity to go for a hunt again, out in the bush veldt.

I only scream and scratch when something's only 'really good' or 'good', I want to be great, or let's go home.

I always make the joke that I go home, to one of my homes, to go and do laundry so I can go on the road again.

My kids don't watch my movies. What I want to do is go home and hug my kids, talk to them and engage with them.

If you care about yourself and what you do, you get nervous about it. You just don't take the money and go home.

My family are too grounded, and I will go home to visit. I always need my dose of Liverpool to keep me grounded.

If I win playing badly, I will not go home happy and I will never tell the players that the result was worth it.

I'm definitely a homebody, so when I have an emotional day on set, I have to go home, take a bath, and go to bed.

It's been a great adventure, everything I hoped for. But it's time to go home. I miss my family. I miss the Earth.

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.

I don't want to go home and tell my wife and my girls, 'I was gone last week because I had to do a press release.'

Jimmy Grants is my first stop every time I go home to Australia. They make the best souvlakis you have ever tasted.

I've been on loads of promotional trips in so many other countries, and most of the time, you just want to go home.

I'm an actor... I do a job and I go home. Why are you interested in me? You don't ask a truck driver about his job.

I could come in the gym to train with the boys and they'd think I was alright, but I'd go home and sit there crying.

When I go home to visit my parents, my mom is your typical Mexican loving mom. She wants to cook and feed everybody.

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