I looked up at Ellen and her not-glowing pentagram. "Harm none is the rule, Ellen: bad witch, no cookie.

Life that only a few hours before had glowed with enthusiasm and exultation, suddenly paled and sickened.

I'm glowing in the dark with my studio tan. I've been in a cave of music for months and months and months.

I think having naturally beautiful skin and hair and just glowing from within, that's my idea of beautiful.

Whenever I see a nighttime picture of Earth from space, with its glowing lights, I am stirred by its beauty.

There is good news in the data the strongest support for priests is to be found among the younger generation.

Human vitality is so exuberant that in the sorriest desert it still finds a pretext for glowing and trembling.

It's the same thing now. When I go onstage the young people scream and holler as much as the older generation.

Nasturtiums, who colored you, you wonderful, glowing things? You must have been fashioned out of summer sunsets.

Without centuries of Christian antisemitism, Hitlers passionate hatred would never have been so fervently echoed.

Here come the hum the golden bees Underneath full blossomed trees, At once with glowing fruit and flowers crowned.

If I were asked to explain the Japanese spirit, I would say it is wild cherry blossoms glowing in the morning sun!

Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves from their predecessors.

I tend to admire dead people more than the living. All too often, human reality diminishes the glowing reputation.

Don't forget to eat a lot of greens and fish oil pills. Those are two of the best things to keep your skin glowing.

You might like it as a joke or because you liked it then, but there isn't a whole new generation discovering Wham!.

You read glowing things and it doesn't feel deserved. You read things that are critical and it cuts you to the bone.

A lot of the figure skating costumes are kind of revealing, so I think it's nice to have glowing, soft, smooth skin.

Sacrifice still exists everywhere, and everywhere the elect of each generation suffers for the salvation of the rest.

Rising from the dead? Glowing at sunrise? What did that make him, the god of cheerful mornings and macabre surprises?

You know, it is said that we Greeks are a fervent and warm blooded breed. Well, let me tell you something - it is true.

Mr. Reagan spent World War II, the global conflict fought and won by his generation, making training films in Hollywood.

It is my fervent wish and my greatest ambition to leave a work with a few useful instructions for the pianists after me.

My reflection in the mirror shows me pink and puffy. I thought pregnant women were to supposed to glow. I am not glowing.

Business is about being the best that you can be, and there are always glowing examples of people that we can all learn from.

It is fortunate that each generation does not comprehend its own ignorance. We are thus enabled to call our ancestors barbarous.

I love Dior products. They have this Capture Totale One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum that gives you fresh, glowing, dewy skin.

I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.

Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet, and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects.

She stood breast-high amid the corn Clasp'd by the golden light of morn, Like the sweetheart of the sun, Who many a glowing kiss had won.

One night I looked down and my rosary beads were glowing. And I realized that I did not want to see the blessed Virgin - I was terrified.

I longed to be a flame of fire continually glowing in the divine service and building up of Christ's kingdom to my last and dying breath.

I'm the only one sitting alone, under the glowing neon sign which reads, "Complete and Total Loser, Not Quite Sane. Stay Away. Do Not Feed.

In warlike pomp, with banners flowing, The regiments of autumn stood: I saw their gold and scarlet glowing From every hillside, every wood.

I want to be healed and whole and perfect again, like a misshapen slab of iron that comes out of the fire glowing, glittering, razor-sharp.

If you're in a theater, people are texting, all around you. You have the little glowing screens everywhere. Think of how annoying that can be.

At last he came to a door, with these words in glowing emeralds: THE END OF THE WORLD He did not hesitate. He opened the door and stepped through.

For male and female alike, the bodies of the other sex are messages signaling what we must do, they are glowing signifiers of our own necessities.

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

For male and female alike, the bodies of the other sex are messages signaling what we must do - they are glowing signifiers of our own necessities.

Pain is usually represented by lightning attacking the guy. Glowing redness is also popular. Sometimes parts of the guy would just burst into flames.

Oh! the joy Of young ideas painted on the mind, In the warm glowing colors fancy spreads On objects not yet known, when all is new, And all is lovely.

Next to the striking of fire and the discovery of the wheel, the greatest triumph of what we call civilization was the domestication of the human male.

If you pay attention to good critics, you have to listen to the bad. So you have to ignore them all really. You can't just cherry pick the glowing ones.

For a generation, terrorists learned they could make war on free nations without fear of war in return. On September 12, the terrorists got war in return.

When people talk to you in such glowing terms, that is the time to be very, very alert because the worst of the mistakes are made in the best of the times.

Her face was brilliant and glowing; but this glow was not one of brightness; it suggested the fearful glow of a conflagration in the midst of a dark night.

In library science school, back in the years of glowing green non-graphical screens and protocols called Archie and Veronica, I wrote Internet documentation.

Johnny almost grinned as he nodded. "Tuff enough," he managed, and by the way his eyes were glowing, I figured Southern gentlemen had nothing on Johnny Cade.

As iron cast into fire loses its rust and becomes glowing white, so he who turns completely to God is stripped of his sluggishness and changed into a new man.

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