Quotes of All Topics . Occasions . Authors
Taking a lady's hand gives her confidence in her physician.
You can always give something, even if it is only kindness.
An empowering perspective gives birth to an empowered life.
I only know this - that you can’t give advice to an artist.
An interpreter must give his blood to the work interpreted.
I gave up coffee. It's almost worse than giving up a lover.
We need Peace, We need Giving, We need Love, We need Unity.
You can owe nothing, if you give back its light to the sun.
Free choice is the greatest gift God gives to his children.
I do want to give out a positive message and be successful.
When you try to battle with John Ford, you have to give in.
She never ever lost her head even when she was giving head.
Make sure you're always giving, way more than you're taking
The purpose of getting power is to be able to give it away.
A man who smiles when he falls gives the Devil a good slap!
Give me again my hollow tree A crust of bread, and liberty!
I do things my own way!..so don't give me any lip about it!
Why don't you pass the gun around and give everyone a shot.
Whoever gives himself up to solitude, Ah! he is soon alone.
Age must give way to youth, no doubt. But not yet, not yet.
God makes many poets, but he only gives utterance to a few.
Let us give out of our own bounty, just as God gives to us.
Have friends, not for the sake of receiving, but of giving.
You cant gain something, without giving something in return
My youth is escaping without giving me anything it owes me.
Life is a labor pain; we are here to give birth to ourself.
Being a parent does not give you an excuse for bad manners.
We start with gifts. Merit comes from what we make of them.
This is the gist of what I know: Give advice and buy a foe.
If tomorrow wasn’t promised, what would you give for today?
...And Sunday's the one day I rest, give thanks, and bless.
Quackery gives birth to nothing; gives death to all things.
What are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give a damn.
Flowers for me are just things to give to a beatiful woman.
You should be giving out a lot of equity to your employees.
We have far more ability than we give ourselves credit for.
Creativity is the process that gives life to a new product.
It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace.
I give thanks for ever increasing health, youth and beauty.
It’s a mistake to think that you must feel love to give it.
Ice Cube is the piece of me that I give away to the public.
It is because of my principle that people continue to give.
Note to self-give serious thought to becoming an alcoholic.
Christ seeketh your help in your place; give Him your hand.
The very best thing you can give someone is what they want.
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Instead of giving people fish, teach them how to use hooks.
When change itself can give no more, 'T is easy to be true.
Giving is the vital impulse and moral center of capitalism.
Each of us needs what nature gives us, when nature gives us.