We're taught to trade. We're not taught to give.

Give your approval to all you cannot understand.

Give me a world, you have taken the world I was.

Be quick to make decisions, but slow to give up.

Giving a phenomenon a label does not explain it.

Good reasons must of force give place to better.

Style is not neutral; it gives moral directions.

It's best to give while your hand is still warm.

When people screw up, give them a second chance.

We are closest to people when we help them grow.

I'm Anna Paquin. I'm bisexual and I give a damn.

Giving is a proof that you have conquered greed.

One point of view gives a one dimensional world.

People give out compliments because it's polite.

My heart I give you, Lord, eagerly and entirely.

Poverty fled, she who gives birth to virile men.

Whatever I'm doing, I try to give it everything.

Holding on to anger only gives you tense muscles.

A man will be eloquent if you give him good wine.

Luck marches with those who give their very best.

It's only the giving that makes you what you are.

Drink promises you everything, but gives nothing.

I want to give Michael Moore a run for his money.

I want to give producers more financial security.

Take gifts with a sigh: most men give to be paid.

90% of politicians give the other 10% a bad name.

Life's gonna give me another set. I know it will.

You give because you love and cannot help giving.

What you get is a living-what you give is a life.

Fortune seized at the right moment gives victory.

Yoga calms me down. It gives me energy and focus.

The art of giving is perfected through anonymity.

The healthfull man can give counsell to the sick.

I had to give it a full go and see what happened.

All life is a boomerang. We receive what we give.

It is only life and love that give love and life.

The present is all the ready money Fate can give.

The real purpose of painting is to give pleasure.

Give a child enough rope and he will trip you up.

Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything.

I've finally graduated from 'I don't give a hoot.

Do anything rather than give yourself to reverie.

Professionals give advice; pilgrims share wisdom.

When all that's left of me is love, Give me away.

It's not what you give, it's the way you give it.

Riches bring anxiety; wisdom gives peace of mind.

You can only receive what you're willing to give.

The fans are great. They give me that extra edge.

The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.

Art is an attempt to give substance to existence.

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