Jesus has not given us options to consider. He has given us commands to obey.

When you feel like you've given all you've got! You gotta take one more step!

I love and adore being a mother. It's the greatest gift I've ever been given.

Generosity consists not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed

I was given talent, and if you are given it, it is your obligation to use it.

Respect commands itself and can neither be given nor withheld when it is due.

All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.

Emotionally, I am attached to TV because it has given me my bread and butter.

Something given, something taken away. Does it always have to work like that?

I've given my life to the principle and the ideal of memory, and remembrance.

Writers don't need to be given formulas; they need to be shown possibilities.

If there's anything better than a God-given talent, it's a God-given day job.

When you give others a new chance, a new chance is really being given to you.

Perpetrators who receive the gift of forgiveness are given a chance to change

Truly, when I say the show has given me everything, it's given me everything.

You've given up your whole life to be the person you are now. Is it worth it?

What more could you ask for in life than to be given an impossible challenge?

Love is given to us as a time, but to keep it always, we must make it a place.

The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away.

What we have is given by God and to teach it to others is to return it to him.

No. I can survive well enough on my own— if given the proper reading material.

For this I would be damned forever. For this I would have given up everything.

I have nothing to ask for, thanks to God. Everything I have, God has given me.

If men are given food, but no chastisement nor any work, they become insolent.

I'm for the freedom of expression, given that it will be under strict control.

Every other network has given all their shows to liberals. We are the balance.

Our loves are not given, but only lent, At compound interest of cent per cent.

Life was given to me as a favor, so I may abandon it when it is one no longer.

Life does not owe you anything, because life has already given you everything.

One is given to self-dramatization from time to time. I intend to live forever.

I simply cannot get over what a surprising and wonderful life God has given me.

All erroneous ideas would perish of their own accord if given clear expression.

Given that we cannot know all the elements in a problem, we never can solve it.

If God wanted women to be treated equally to men, he'd have given them penises.

God has given you every thing you need to reach every person you need to reach.

You have a personal birthright to believe in a God-given mission for your life.

The Spirit is not given to make Bible study needless, but to make it effective.

Delhi means everything to me. This city has given me everything, and I love it.

My job is to perform, enjoy cricket and thank God for whatever he has given me.

What was given to us by the past is adapted to the possibilities of the future.

Once a woman has given you her heart, you can never get rid of the rest of her.

France has been very good for me. It has given me a very worldly-cool attitude.

I wish every woman would love herself and embrace what she was given naturally.

The cost of a thing is something called life which is given in exchange for it.

Fans will treat something preciously if they're given the opportunity to do so.

We were all given our opportunities to be ourselves. A little bit of ourselves.

To tax and to please, no more than to love and to be wise, is not given to men.

Change occurs when deeply felt private experiences are given public legitimacy.

Whatever you seize for yourself is worthless. Only what is given you has value.

The number of hypotheses available to explain any given phenomenon is infinite.

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