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When I was doing 'The Prime Gig' with Vince, we played around so much that the director separated us like children!
When I was given my first gig, and I had no real appetite for a career, I just worked to get money so I could live!
Playing with Angus and Malcolm, that's a pretty tough gig, mate. That made me the maniac that I am today, no doubt.
First acting gig was playing a victim in 'America's Most Wanted.' The night the show aired, they caught the killer!
The last thing you want to do is play a long gig on a hot night, pass out, and wind up in a hospital emergency room.
There'll be some opportunities for other things post-playing, but it's like, 'Man, I don't want to give this gig up.'
There's a big difference between doing the odd gig and actually having a record out and your name being on the ticket.
I try to sleep as much as I can. I drink a lot of water. I practice consistently and just try to be ready for the gig.
I've never missed a gig yet. Music makes people happy, and that's why I go on doing it - I like to see everybody smile.
My standing gig in college was playing the El Chico patio on Murfreesboro Road. I got $100, tips, and free quesadillas.
For Dylan, it seems, life is always the next gig. Changing pace and location are essential to his survival as an artist.
I lost my moorings. But you know the great thing about acting? It's all part of the gig. You get to put it in your work.
I used to get nervous about three weeks before a gig... now I've managed to condense it down to a manageable ten minutes.
I guess if you want me to stop writing horrible, mean takedowns of everyone, give me a really, really cushy columnist gig.
I come away from a gig thinking, 'Yeah, I'm worth something.' I can still do it and entertain people, and that's worth it.
The workforce is getting Uberized. The gig economy is taking over the world. Independent-contractor jobs are the new normal.
I was crazy poor, but I was learning and putting myself out there and getting hired to do whatever gig I could and auditioning.
I'm one of three judges on 'MasterChef' with Gordon Ramsay, but I don't want my own show. I'm kind of used to the sidekick gig.
By the time 'Dumbo's Circus' wrapped production of its 120 episodes, I had an agent, and I had scored my first feature film gig.
It's not that I don't get on bandwagons; I just climb aboard only after most of the band has packed up and left for the next gig.
Each gig is brilliant and fun. When it becomes a routine, we'll take a break. There's no point in doing it if you don't enjoy it.
My first gig was a Corn Pops commercial. I did the first Vanilla Coke campaign. A Juicy Fruit commercial paid my bills for years.
Acting is a great gig. It pays well, I get to meet some nice people, and it allows me to play a lot of golf. I'm a real lucky guy.
The worst thing about the life of a jazz musician on the road is getting to the gig. Once you're there and playing, it's marvelous.
I entered the work force cleaning breast pumps at a pharmacy! It was a part-time gig while I was at school... no interview required.
'Smallville' gig was another one of those things I got through WWE. At that point, I had absolutely no aspirations to pursue acting.
The mini-Moog was conceived originally as a session musician's axe, something a guy could carry to the studio, do a gig and walk out.
When I was younger and did a stand-up gig, it would take me two weeks to recover. Sometimes I'd get so panicked that I would stutter.
I may have done an every-night gig in Hong Kong because I was there for almost 16 years, and in Manila, Philippines, I did gigs there.
The gig economy isn't taking over, but it has become a useful emblem of what it is like to work for a living in late-stage capitalism.
For my first gig, I got $75. I could make money being funny, so I pursued it as a career and have turned it into a lucrative business.
We also did something called the Texas Peace Festival, which was actually a better gig both musically, and in the way it was organised.
And you can't have an Allman Brothers gig without an Allman brother. I've heard people try to argue that you can, but I'm not buying it.
I always get nervous before a gig, so I look over my writing, trying not to fantasise about all the things that could go horribly wrong.
I owe much of my success to Seann Walsh. He kept recommending me for Live At The Apollo until eventually the producers offered me a gig.
My very first acting gig was in a movie for Russ Parr. He did this movie called 'Love for Sale,' and that was my first role in any film.
Each gig should be unique. You're always treading that line between keeping yourself fresh and giving people something they want to hear.
I was always myself. I never pretended I'd been to a gig the night before and was hanging out with Rita Ora, because that's not what I do.
Writing is a sedentary gig unless one has a treadmill desk. But I have long believed writing and working out are complementary disciplines.
My first gig in the business was a guest star on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,' so I'm neck deep in sci-fi. It's been a very good genre to me.
I was just thrilled to get the gig to begin with. Ten years later to still have it is not only thrilling but also somewhat of a puzzlement.
As a musician I'm about expressing what's inside, and I think everyone has a song in them that they need to get out, whatever their gig is.
When my dad toured in '91, I think my first gig properly was the Tokyo Dome, 50,000 people indoors. That was pretty scary. I was 12, or 13.
Trends such as skills imbalances, the gig economy, and digitization are transforming work so quickly that policy creation is lagging behind.
I've never really been a confident person, except from a musical standpoint. I had to push myself early on, but it got easier with each gig.
The first paid gig? It was back home in Terre Haute, Indiana, back in 1925, '26, when I was going to high school and working in a speakeasy.
The 'Rescue Me' gig was a unique opportunity to play a character - a misanthropic, angry guy - who was so contrary to how people think of me.
My first paid acting gig in the States was playing a lizard-transforming, shape-shifting witch in 'Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters', I believe.
I've never felt like a pop star - this is a nine-to-five sort of gig. It comes from working in the factories, that world. You don't forget it.
I mean, if you go to a rock gig and someone plays a ballad it can still really come across, even though there's a hundred thousand people there.