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Often, organizations need bold, grand gestures to galvanize people towards a new mission or refocus their attention.
I honestly can't think of many more truly romantic gestures than a really well-thought-through prenuptial agreement.
All the bystanders at an event worthy of note adopt various gestures of admiration when contemplating the occurrence.
When making documentaries, the most important thing I learned was to listen, observe gestures and facial expressions.
But in love each moment is magnified, and every gesture, word and syllable is examined like a speech by the President.
'S21' was a film about corporeal memory and how the same gestures repeated many times years earlier can be reawakened.
And I must bear What is ordained with patience, being aware Necessity doth front the universe With an invincible gesture.
Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, historical accidents, soon forgotten.
The gesture with which one generation guards the next is the movement, and the only time we see it clearly, of life itself.
There's nothing more frustrating than seeing a conductor say, 'Play softer,' as they're waving their hands in huge gestures.
Comedy is more an art of body language and gestures - it is more a performance of an artist than the lines given to him/her.
No matter how you decide to spend a little more time on your gestures of giving, the point is just quite simply that you do.
I don't quite comprehend why you'd force someone to bow when the purpose of the gesture is to display allegiance and respect.
Turning your nose up at a genuine and sincere gesture of hospitality is no way to travel or to make friends around the world.
For a guy who is always banging on about the masculine virtues, Nixon had this remarkable proclivity for very dainty gestures.
The internet is a wild land with its own games, languages and gestures through which we are starting to share common feelings.
Is courage just the awareness that gestures, journeys, lives have intrinsic shape, and must, one way or another, be completed?
That's how myths are born. Out of our carelessness, out of our tattered nerves, out of jokes that go wrong and flashy gestures.
I think it's important to do a good job and not to feel that you've got to make grand gestures, but just to get on and deliver.
I am the most spontaneous speaker in the world because every word, every gesture, and every retort has been carefully rehearsed.
When men attempt bold gestures, generally it's considered romantic. When women do it, it's often considered desperate or psycho.
Sometimes, all it takes is one gesture, one word, to change the course of someone's life. Even if you know it won't last forever.
I think men know to seduce women though words and conversation and nice gestures. That's much sexier than when a man uses muscle.
I'll be honest, I felt an urge to squeeze him like a kitten and that led to the gesture I made. There was nothing behind it really.
In the post-Warhol era a single gesture such as uncrossing one's legs will have more significance than all the pages in War and Peace.
When surprised and excited and innocent Gus emerged from Grand Gesture Metaphorically Inclined Augustus, I literally could not resist.
I am not married, no. I wasn't really into the notion when I was younger, but now I think a proposal is the ultimate romantic gesture.
Arrogance is in everything I do. It is in my gestures, the harshness of my voice, in the glow of my gaze, in my sinewy, tormented face.
Only as a grand gesture of defeat will men creep into the arms of the state and seek refuge in its power rather than their own courage.
So much of what blacks and women contend with is centered in how we view, and how the world views, our bodies. Gestures, voices, affect.
Conan Doyle is amazing in the way he has Watson describe Sherlock’s posture, mood swings, his hand gestures, and so forth in the novels.
Following Christ means following him through life, following him in every word and gesture, following him out of one clime into another.
V?" Butch said. "Don't leave, okay?" "Never." V brushed Butch's hair back with a gesture so tender it was out of place coming from a male.
You can, when Time is ripe, swope to your feet - at your full height - at a single gesture. Ready to go where? Why... Wherever God motions.
Every day, do small gestures of generosity! It does not mean go to Cambodia. Do it at home. If you do nothing at home, evil becomes normal.
When the music is physically demanding, I want to make sure that the effort involved is put across to the audience through physical gesture.
The Constitution requires that Congress treat similarly situated persons similarly, not that it engages in gestures of superficial equality.
Yo, yo, yo, check it out," said PJ, with enough hand gestures that any deaf person watching would have thought he had ASL Tourette's syndrome
I think empathy is romantic. I think humor is romantic. Kindness is romantic. I think those kind of gestures of caring and love are romantic.
Power immobilizes; it freezes with a single gesture-grandiose, terrible, theatrical, or finally, simply monotonous-the variety which is life.
All the gestures of children are graceful; the reign of distortion and unnatural attitudes commences with the introduction of the dancing master.
we must be precise with love, its language and its gestures. If it is to save us, we must look at it as clearly as we should learn to look at death
As much preparation as I had made for the old man Salieri, gestures and so on, the fact is after sitting for hours, your movements are kind of slow.
The higher the artist, the fewer the gestures. The fewer the tools, the greater the imagination. The greater the will, the greater the secret failure.
Oh longing for places that were not Cherished enough in that fleeting hour How I long to make good from afar The forgotten gesture, the additional act.
And always the animals from each trip you bring back a gaze a pose a gesture that points to the truest of humanity better than images of humanity itself
It was so good to be held. If only their relationship could be distilled into simple, wordless gestures of comfort. Why had humans ever learned to talk?
I'm a very textural composer. I care a lot about textures and gestures. Electronics add so much to that. It's like a flavor - it creates so much texture.
If the sensitive washout has no taste for extreme gestures, total self-destruction, then his hope for singularity rests in his voice. Tone is everything.
The haiku reproduces the designating gesture of the child pointing at whatever it is (the haiku shows no partiality for the subject), merely saying: that!