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This journey started about 42 years ago in a little town of Brunswick, Georgia.
I had a restaurant in Georgia for a while, and I really miss feeding everybody.
I feel there is something unexplored about woman that only a woman can explore.
I enjoy performing for heavily armed people. It's easier than going to Georgia.
It's very rare that Georgia and Alabama are the only two teams recruiting a kid.
We came from Bethlehem, Georgia bearing Betty Crocker cake mixes into the jungle.
a quiet worker but a very productive one and a great one for the state of Georgia.
I was going from Furman to the University of Georgia. I transferred to play football.
When I came back to power, Georgia was completely isolated on the international stage.
I worked my way up in the private sector and implemented Georgia's tough voter ID law.
Georgia is not just a European country, but one of the most ancient European countries.
We must create the Georgia that our ancestors dreamed of, the Georgia that we dream of.
I grew up in a small town in Georgia where nothing bad happened - it was like Mayberry.
In Georgia, apparently, men are men and women are women - at least in their folk dance.
As much as I'd like to register Jesus to vote in Georgia, the law says I can't do that.
I was raised all over. Kansas, Hawaii, Georgia, Texas and Kentucky, by the time I was 11.
The people of Arizona, the people of Atlanta, Georgia, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I went to a small high school in - down in south Georgia. Terrell Academy is the name of it.
Poor Georgia O'Keeffe. Death didn't soften the opinions of the art world toward her paintings.
I grew up in an all-black neighbourhood in Decatur, Georgia - a kinda lower-middle-class area.
The Greens have never been on the ballot in Georgia because of restrictive ballot access laws.
I've lived in Shepherd's Bush for five years with my friend Georgia in a cosy, cluttered flat.
Well, killing me makes no sense because Georgia already has a Western-educated political class.
I'm from South Georgia, so my mom, she always cooked some dang good food when I was growing up.
In my opinion - in Georgia, there's a town called Lula. And Lula, Georgia, has the best peaches.
There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace.
I've enjoyed my time at Georgia Tech and feel my year here has helped my development as a player.
Folks in Alabama seem like folks in Georgia to me. I feel like you can just about combine the two.
Robert Whitmore died of apoplexy when a stranger from Georgia mistook him for a former Macon waiter.
I grew up in Georgia, in a small town in the southwest corner of Georgia, actually, called Sylvester.
I'm a weekday warrior who takes our Georgia values to Washington, and on the weekends, I'm back home.
I can play with Florida Georgia Line. We can throw down with people. I think that's what sets me apart.
I came from the Sticks, literally. I grew up in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, just outside Athens, Georgia.
It's amazing. I can't believe how brilliant the whole thing is - my daughter, Georgia, is just wonderful.
Let's be honest. Georgia, if you get the best players in this state, you should be winning championships.
Georgia O'Keeffe proposed that I live with her. She was in New Mexico then, and I wanted to be in New York.
I believe Georgia should aspire to nothing less than greatness And I believe greatness is within our grasp.
I believe Georgia should aspire to nothing less than greatness. And I believe greatness is within our grasp.
I love Southern rock; it's because I grew up on it, and no matter where I am, I'll always be a Georgia girl.
It is time we Georgians did not depend only on others, it is time we asked what Georgia will do for the world.
I'm just a skinny kid from Glennville, Georgia - 3,500 people, two traffic lights - going to the Hall of Fame.
There is no tradition more worth of envy, no institution worthy of such loyalty, as the University of Georgia.
I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.
When Florida Georgia Line and Nelly put out the 'Cruise' remix, it brought so many more people to country music.
Educating bold and ambitious children from cradle to career stands as a clear and foundational goal for Georgia.
For one, the 'countryness' is pretty much in my blood. I'm from Georgia, down south. That voice just lives in me.