Geography is destiny.

Without geography you're nowhere.

One cannot kick against geography!

Everything has to do with geography.

Place is security, space is freedom.

Geography is the art of the mappable.

Losing has nothing to do with geography.

Religion is a mere question of geography.

Geography does not define you - love does.

Geography blended with time equals destiny.

Do you understand the sadness of geography?

I get to go to overseas places, like Canada.

If geography is prose, maps are iconography.

Chris Martin looks like a geography teacher.

Dreams are our only geography—our native land.

Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.

I'm a great believer in geography being destiny.

We have 45,000 square miles of geography in Ohio.

We have 45,000 square miles of geography in Ohio.

War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.

[L]ove, having no geography, knows no boundaries.

I like geography. I like to know where places are.

All my experiences removed geography from my world.

I like science - geography, meteorology, cosmology.

Cyberspace undeniably reflects some form of geography.

As Latinos, we are many, and our geography is gigantic.

In our changing world nothing changes more than geography.

Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future

The policies of all powers are inherent in their geography.

Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography.

In the U.K., we have the best geography teachers in the world!

There is a geography of the human spirit, common to all peoples.

Physical geography and geology are inseparable scientific twins.

My wound is geography. It is also my anchorage, my port of call.

I've always had a passion for geography. Even at a very young age.

An art that heals and protects its subject is a geography of scars.

If some countries have too much history, we have too much geography.

I like geography. I could tell you the capital of any country you want.

What, after all, is more real to us than the geography of our childhoods?

To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography.

It occurred to me that no matter where I lived, geography could not save me.

Food is the best way to teach history and geography and most everything else.

As with wine, geography affects the flavor. Oysters are usually named for a locale.

Our company is very diversified, both in terms of geography and in terms of products.

If you know a country's geography, you can understand and predict its foreign policy.

The formidable power of geography determines the character and performance of a people.

Everywhere's been where it is ever since it was first put there. It's called geography.

Geography can be a major restriction for people to not be able to showcase their talent.

Geography has no bearing on it, nor have the interests of the community in which I work.

The only effort worth making is the one it takes to learn the geography of one's own nature.

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