A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.

The bolder the action, the greater the genius, magic and power that is likely to flow from it.

Genius discovers a system; average talent stereotypes it till it is shattered by fresh genius.

An enamored amateur need not be a genius to stay out of the ruts he has never been trained in.

It is less difficult for a woman to obtain celebrity by her genius than to be forgiven for it.

We don't genuinely need more literary geniuses. One can only read so many books in a lifetime.

I wouldn't say jamie is an evil genius. I'm not sure he's evil and I'm not sure he's a genius.

In the place where you feel completely uncomfortable, is the place where you find your genius.

Inventive genius requires pleasurable mental activity as a condition for its vigorous exercise

Of course, I consider myself a feminist, but I wouldn't say I'm a feminist genius or anything.

Every work of Genius is tinctured by the feelings, and often originates in the events of times.

For me, the world of nature bears spectacular witness to the imaginative genius of our Creator.

It seems to me that even the least of the human race is touched with genius when mad with love.

The logic is backwards. Genius is the result of doing what you love, not a prerequisite for it.

Genius is not only a what or a who, it is a where. It is grounded in a place every single time.

Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius.

Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith and perseverance to create a brand.

The words "genius" and "genuine" derive from the same root. The core of genius is authenticity.

The young man reveres men of genius, because, to speak truly, they are more himself than he is.

I mean, you're gonna be left behind if you don't appreciate the genius that is Meredith Vieira.

Genius is the summed production of the many with the names of the few attached for easy recall.

Geniuses are at work in the rock music field, and great popularity is no proof you aren't good.

...one of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.

There is no so wretched and coarse a soul wherein some particular faculty is not seen to shine.

Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe - you can't take a taxi.

Adlai Stevenson has a genius for saying the right thing, at the right time, to the wrong people.

The greatest genius is never so great as when it is chastised and subdued by the highest reason.

Then if he's sore with me, let him dump my ass. That will just give me more time to be a genius.

Let us then blend everything: love, religion, genius, with sunshine, perfume, music, and poetry.

I like the idea of taking a true classic written by a true genius and essentially destroying it!

If we stand for change, we can spark a popular movement with power, influence, magic and genius.

Genius has its fatality. Must we not see in its works a manifestation of the will of Providence?

I know people I feel are extremely talented, but I don’t know that I’ve ever heard any geniuses.

Genius . . . arises in the natural, aboriginal concern for the conscious unity of all phenomena.

Oh! how near are genius and madness! Men imprison them and chain them, or raise statues to them.

Genius is a plodding intellect, incapable of dreaming up the obstacles that stop the rest of us.

The truth is mightier than eloquence, the Spirit greater than genius, faith more than education.

It is the privilege of genius that life never grows common place, as it does for the rest of us.

People think that I'm some kind of genius who's got these statements to say, and I'm not really.

Follow your genius closely enough, and it will not fail to show you a fresh prospect every hour.

The genius of the Word of God is that it has staying power; it can stand up to repeated exposure.

The most amazing and effective inventions are not those which do most honour to the human genius.

Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius.

A talent for drama is not a talent for writing, but is ability to articulate human relationships.

Time was when genius was more precious than gold, but now to have nothing is monstrous barbarism.

Originality is genius. If you respect and care for it, it will take you on the ride of your life.

Wit is often a mask. If you tear it you will find either genius irritated or cleverness juggling.

The most tremendous genius raised Mozart above all masters, in all centuries and in all the arts.

I just finished Colson Whitehead's "The Underground Railroad," which I think is a work of genius.

Lack of genius never held anyone back. Only time wasted on resentment and daydreaming can do that.

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