Genetic engineers don't make new genes, they rearrange existing ones.

I've been lucky that I haven't put on weight. I think it's the genes.

I suppose if there's a set of genes I have, it's detesting authority.

Well, my mom was an Olympian, so we have some good genes on that front.

Of course, I have Gene Roddenberry to thank for the creation of Barclay.

So you're her brother? Says Linn. I guess we know who got the good genes.

I was at dinner with Gene Wilder and imitated Ethel Barrymore for everyone

I have good genes in my family, so we'll see just how long I'll be around.

Heritability pertains to the entirety of the genome, not to a single gene.

Somehow I have managed to delay looking old. In reality I have good genes.

Genes are a play within a play, not the interior monologue of the players.

I thought I'd gone to heaven, because I grew up watching Roy and Gene Autry

Freud had a gene for inefficiency, and I think I have a gene for efficiency.

I've got good genes. My dad was a martial arts instructor - and he was good.

The '80s, '90s, and early 2000s genes of competitive fire are dead and gone.

It's not really in my genes to be walking around looking like a body builder.

There may be an evolutionary advantage for schizophrenia genes during famine.

I have all these great genes, but they're recessive. That's the problem here.

My father was an obsessive bird-watcher. The genes of observation passed down.

Genes are like the story, and DNA is the language that the story is written in.

I am a Jew. Those are four words of pride. My Jewishness is as deep as my genes.

The problem with existing biology is you change only one or two genes at a time.

E-mail has some magical ability to turn off the politeness gene in a human being.

I wanted to be Gene Kelly. Well really, I just wanted to dance with Cyd Charisse.

DNA has nothing to do with success. Turn your genes into overalls and get to work.

Genes are not about inevitabilities; they're about potentials and vulnerabilities.

A gene can be either dominant or recessive, depending on which type of gene it is.

Food is medicine. We can actually change our gene expressions with the foods we eat.

Your genes are not your fate... if you change your lifestyle, you change your genes.

Acting is in my genes, since my father late Pandit Dinanath Mangeshkar was an actor.

I don't think anything I could ever do could make Gene Kelly look better than he was.

Selfish-gene theory tells us nothing about the value of interacting through language.

Both of my grandmothers are aging well, and my mom is, too. I've got some good genes.

I believe in glamour. I am in favor of a little vanity. I don't rely on just my genes.

Selfish genes actually explain altruistic individuals, and to me that's crystal-clear.

I was very keen on people like Elvis, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Gene Vincent.

You get diarrhea out here, you dehydrate from the inside out - you leave the gene pool.

I've got good genes, and my body just always seems to bounce back after my pregnancies.

Genes are little items that are found in every living thing except Sen. Alfonse D'Amato.

I think the impulse to get to the heart of the story and to tell it well is in my genes.

First of all, many human diseases are influenced by, if not caused by mutations in genes.

A favorite cast? Lisa Kudrow, Anthony Hopkins, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, and my wife.

In any complex organism, brain formation and function must be controlled in part by genes.

I like having a good time. It's probably my mother's Brazilian genes in me - party, party.

I was always thin. I guess I have good genes, so I never worried too much about my weight.

But in most cases even the possibility that the correlations reflect shared genes is taboo.

I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my genes because I can't do anything about them.

I love photography and first editions. I have that in my genes. My father was an archivist.

We know virtually all of the genes known to mammals. We do not know all of the combinations.

Almost always, genes are about potentials and vulnerabilities rather than about determinism.

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