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Gardening gives one back a sense of proportion about everything - except itself.
Nationalism cannot flower if it does not grow in the garden of internationalism.
I got involved in Gateway National Park and just became fascinated with gardens.
I am myself and what is around me, and if I do not save it, it shall not save me.
I've always felt that you can't do much wrong in a garden providing you enjoy it.
We are stardust, we are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
In the garden of tabloid delight, there is always a clean towel and another song.
Gardens always mean something else, man absolutely uses one thing to say another.
Growing your own garden is way less expensive than going out shopping and eating.
We have a well and a garden. I crawl around in the mud and grow great vegetables.
It is like the seed put in the soil - the more one sows, the greater the harvest.
When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles.
One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
I have a garden, and I collect different heirloom seeds from different neighbors.
And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.
I wouldn't trust Newcastle's back five to protect my garden gnomes from squirrels.
I first came to the Garden when I was a sophomore in college. The old, old Garden.
I have a garden in my backyard that's completely organic, which I'm very proud of.
The very best garden is a new one, on virgin ground. Plants leap out of that spot.
As a female pilot, the sacred rose garden in my heart is the motherland's blue sky.
The garden is a metaphor for life, and gardening is a symbol of the spiritual path.
Let's all sign petitions to make Earthships and organic home gardens the normality.
Of all our sunny world, i wish only for a garden sofa where a cat is sunning itself
Success and failure, triumph and disaster. That is the rhythm of life in the garden.
When I was a kid, we always had big gardens, acres of stuff we grew out in the yard.
It's my destiny to make a place where people can come and be happy: a garden of joy.
Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.
I, you, he, she, we In the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions.
Good gardening is very simple, really. You just have to learn to think like a plant.
I'm keeping myself busy with hobbies and sport. I have my animals and a huge garden.
Neither a garden nor a gardener can be made in one year, nor in one generation even.
I am very happy in second-hand bookshops; would a gardener not be happy in a garden?
What is God after all? An eternal child playing an eternal game in an eternal garden.
Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.
Designing a landscape is about connecting the body, soul and mind to the land itself.
A garden must combine the poetic and he mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy
There are several ways to lay out a little garden; the best way is to get a gardener.
I am a huge fan of Jessica Lange. I think her performance in Grey Gardens is amazing.
God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.
I've been meditating since 14 years and my mornings are spent in the building garden.
In my spare time, I paint, garden, hike and enjoy massages for my weary writer's back.
If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment.
There is material enough in a single flower for the ornament of a score of cathedrals.
Way over yonder is a place I have seen In a garden of wisdom from some long ago dream.
Nature does not hesitate to interfere with me. So I do not hesitate to tamper with it.
I've realized that I really like spending time in the countryside and having a garden.
I travel the garden of music, thru inspiration. It's a large, very large garden, seen?
The Magic in this garden has made me stand up and know I am going to live to be a man.
I call myself, 'The Estee Lauder of the garden world.' I'm my own little conglomerate.
The garden of Eden was a boggy swamp just south of Croydon. You can see it over there.