If you spend all of your time racing ahead to the future, you're liable to discover you've left a great present behind.

But no one knows what happens after, and for sure it would be great to be back in the Premier League at one time in the future.

I think future generations will say the late 20th century and the early 21st century was a time of great convulsions and upheavals.

I had a great time creating the future on 'Minority Report,' and it's a future that is coming true faster than any of us thought it would.

I don't think about the passing of time, but I think it would be great if I can have fun acting while thinking of what I can do in the future.

Every painting I do blends time frames. The great thing about being an artist is I can make the past join the present in some reality of the future.

Whenever we're having a great time, we're already anticipating the day when we will remember this great time. Many of us live in that unreal area between the past, the present, and the future.

I don't have to be president to do great things for my country, but at the same time, to get legislation and policy passed, you have to be in some kind of office. So I don't know what the future will lead to.

In 'Stree', I had a great time working with the whole team and Dinu, being the producer and one of the most important people. And now we are doing another film together, and I'm sure there will be a couple of more films in the future.

Because the time has come, well and truly come, for all peoples of our great country, for all citizens of our great commonwealth, for all Australians - those who are indigenous and those who are not - to come together to reconcile and together build a new future for our nation.

As a child, I lived through and survived the segregated South. I sat at the back of the bus at a time when America wasn't yet as great as it could be. As a grown woman, I saw the first black president reach down a hand and touch the face of a child like I once was, lifting his eyes toward a better future.

Most people should be talking about how Floyd Mayweather is a great undefeated future Hall of Famer that's his own promoter and that works extremely hard to get to where he's at. Instead, all you hear is hate and jealous remarks from critics who criticize me and, you know, most of the time, the people that criticize me can't do what I can do.

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