In two words, impossible.

So, how did you all meet?

If only faces could talk.

I grew up in a funny way.

The British are so funny.

I don't mean to be funny.

British women can't cook.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

I work until beer o'clock.

Let's stop the startwatch.

We lead in exporting jobs.

It's funny to be a critic.

I need one more bass less.

Hi folks, I'm Gerry Gross!

Dogs are a habit, I think.

Gentlemen, include me out.

I just plug in and let go.

They misunderestimated me.

I like marriage. The idea.

Jean Alesi is 4th and 5th.

The fats dented the flats.

How can I die? I'm booked.

If I had blood, I'd blush.

What do women want? Shoes.

Common sense ain't common.

Always do whatever's next.

"No comment" is a comment.

What a great hitch to pit!

His lie ability is an asset

Macho does not prove mucho.

Sometimes I... No, I don't.

I was there when I said it.

Frailty, thy name is woman!

What once were two, are one

Death is an acquired trait.

At my age flowers scare me.

Ke$ha IS the walk of shame.

They stayed away in droves.

Hollywood's just not funny.

Coffee isn't my cup of tea.

Go back to your bingo hall.

Keep your hand on the helm.

I'll have that one, please.

It's hot as hell as can be.

Mmm, tastes like hepatitis!

I'm a compulsive everything.

So I know where my feet are.

Hurry up and learn patience.

Brass, stay down all summer.

Next to music beer was best.

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