Putting a little time aside for clean fun and good humor is very necessary to relieve the tensions of our time.

There's more fun in hunting with the handicap of the bow than there is in hunting with the sureness of the gun.

You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself, 'Am I having fun?'

Yeah, I like to have fun - I think that's a good way to live. I think you're better at your job if you like it.

They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer.

If you are with someone who is awesome and having a good time, you can sit at a bus station and still have fun.

I learned that music should be fun and should be a way to express yourself, that there aren't really any rules.

I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there.

Anything you put your mind to and add your imagination into can make your life a lot better and a lot more fun.

I just like to do the fun stuff. If I'm not having fun with it, I'm not going to do it for the rest of my life.

You never make fun of anybody with a club foot or a withered arm, but it's open season on anybody who stutters.

I like writing about the issues we all bump up against as we get older, but I try to present them in a fun way.

I'm interested in having fun with ideas, throwing them up in the air like confetti and then running under them.

With 'The Office' and 'Extras' I've always snuck in a little bit of heart and pathos - and drama, which is fun.

I love doing sitcoms and I love performing in front of a live audience, so [Payne] was a really fun experience.

Our writer would play the piano and then come up with songs on the spot that included all of us. It was so fun!

We can make fun of hockey fans, but someone who enjoys Homer is indulging the same kind of vicarious bloodlust.

I realize that humor isn't for everyone. It's only for people who want to have fun, enjoy life, and feel alive.

Ballyhoo is for your classic girl, who is fun and fearless. This is for the girl who is not afraid to dress fun.

Making media companies that you hope to sell is not a lot of fun for anyone who cares deeply about making media.

The way I deliver it is meant to be fun. Does it hurt sometimes? Yes, but it is meant to be funny not offensive.

You're just playing a role, whether it's a drama or a comedy. I find it really fun to sort of play opposite Uma.

I don't get to listen to music for fun very often; a lot of what I'm hearing is for work and isn't released yet.

Playing a villain was fun, only because you get to do all the things you wouldn't normally do in your real life.

The hardest part about parenting is when I have to be The Dad--aka the Fun-Sucker--as opposed to being a friend.

Absolutely the most fun thing to do in space and rewarding thing, in many ways, is to look back at planet Earth.

When you see a good man, try to emulate his example, and when you see a bad man, search yourself for his faults.

It's almost impossible to have fun playing ping pong with someone who doesn't care, won't try or isn't any good.

Don't get down on yourself that you can't run a 4K or dance all night long at a fun club. Give yourself a break.

My hair journey has been lots of fun. I have always loved wigs and pieces, so I am never tied down to one style.

Life's not about money. Look at achievements, accomplishments . It's about having fun. It's about enjoying life.

In every country, they make fun of city. In U.S. you make fun of Cleveland. In Russia, we make fun of Cleveland.

John Updike is always fun. And one of my former students, Tom Pynchon. And Harold Bloom, another former student.

The worst crime I could think of would be to pull people off by faking it, pretending as if I'm having 100% fun.

Reality can be entered through the main door or it can be slipped into through a window, which is much more fun.

I was just mind-blown to find that New Orleans is just so much more fun and interesting than I had ever thought.

But part of the job of economics is weeding out errors. That is much harder than making them, but also more fun.

The Farrelly brothers make movies the way you imagine a movie set would be when you're a kid - fun all the time.

When I'm training a dog, I develop a relationship with that dog. He's my buddy, and I want to make training fun.

It was a bit of fun. But of course like anything that starts as a joke, people started to take it all seriously!

[Cancer] didn't make me more intense about not working more and just having fun more. It didn't do that either. 

If a woman feels anchored to a man's plans, she may start to resent him for the fun she's worried she's missing.

Golf is a very serious part of my life, but when you stop having fun at it, that's when it's time to hang it up.

If I have sometimes seemed to make fun of Woman, I assure you it has only been for the purpose of egging her on.

You can't take contradiction away. Part of the fun of it is that the contradiction never really quite goes away.

The bonding of the team is exceptionally important and trying to create a good team spirit and to have some fun.

I've had both my eye sockets crushed, I've been set on fire, uh, that was not fun, I've torn a pec, torn biceps.

You can either look at things in a brutal, truthful way that's depressing, or you can screw around and have fun.

I don't travel for fun, because I travel so much with my work; when I'm not working, I mostly want to stay home.

I think my style is a mix of quirky, eclectic, bright, and fun, with a really sophisticated feminine silhouette.

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