I thought The Visitation was good fun. We did some of that filming at Ealing on the big set.

It's fun to write your set list 20 minutes before and keep the crew very much on their toes.

It's the stupidest thing of all time, going on tour. It deteriorates the soul, but it's fun.

It's really fun to be writing and producing your own sketches. You almost have more control.

It's all about being happy with your life and having fun. At least that's what works for me.

If you do something for fun and create the best possible product, then the profit will come.

My business is to enjoy and have fun. And why not, if in the end everything will end, right?

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.

I keep a little notebook of things that I can do to the zombies that might be silly and fun.

Fun is to experience things you would not have been able to experience in any other setting.

If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf.

The main fun of being an actor is that you get to bounce around to a lot of different worlds.

Exploiting the stupidity of the American voter is fun and easy: kinda like squeezing a lemon.

The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.

Trouble can be a lot of fun. It's the straight and narrow that makes life tedious and boring.

But, it is hard too, because I want to do another action film. Believe it or not, it was fun.

My plays are always pushing towards cinema anyway. They're down and dirty, real and more fun.

Shutting down governments on your computer is just as much as fun as going to a riot at Yale.

Drumming is not worrying about what you can't do. It's about having fun with what you can do.

The sweaty players in the game of life always have more fun than the supercilious spectators.

Traveling is more fun - hell, life is more fun - if you can treat it as a series of impulses.

It's so fun to hear the reaction from Martin Scorsese as he sees you nude for the first time.

It's fun to explore areas that are taboo that you're not allowed to in real life as an actor.

I just do my act. If people in England don't get my joke I make fun of myself for telling it.

Mania is fun. I won't lie, it's fun. But it's usually followed by a soul-crushing depression.

Writing wasn't easy and wasn't fun. It was hard and lonely, and the words seldom just flowed.

The only good in pretending is the fun we get out of fooling ourselves that we fool somebody.

Single's fun - you don't have to check in with your girl, but it's not easy. I do get lonely.

There was a time - and I used to get made fun of a lot - that all I collected was soundtracks

Anything that you think is wild or fun, or can't wait to see or show your friends, go for it.

I like being cheerful. Isn't it nice to be able to have fun and laugh while doing interviews?

Business is about making money but it is also about having fun, so get your character across.

I've always loved dogs. I grew up with them and I love working with them. They're really fun.

When we use this word fun, it sort of bangs up the ordinary and the extraordinary altogether.

Math has a lot of negative stereotypes, but it can actually be fun and incredibly empowering.

I may not look it when I'm playing, but I think I'm a fun guy to hang with when I'm relaxing.

Don't get me wrong: if I'm having fun, I'm going to have fun. But I need a lot of quiet time.

If you splurge, do it on an item that's fun, because you'll feel good whenever you put it on.

You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars.

I make it a policy not to second-guess my instincts. Life's more fun that way. ~Train Heartnet

If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion

The kindest thing you can do for the people you care about is to become a happy, joyous person

As long as you're having fun and still doing stuff, it doesn't matter what other people think.

I like old tunes when I'm driving. They're fun and uplifting. Billy Ocean, that kind of thing.

Maybe you can keep me from never being happy, but you're not going to stop me from HAVING FUN!

Me? I stand for uncertainty, insecurity, bad taste, fun, and things that go boom in the night.

'Have fun' is my message. Be silly. You're allowed to be silly. There's nothing wrong with it.

Set aside a time solely for running. Running is more fun if you don't have to rush through it.

Any experience that isn't fun is probably something I will at least use in my writing someday.

A good part - and definitely the most fun part - of being a feminist is about frightening men.

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