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There is a great deal of sympathy amongst workers for the Occupy Wall Street movement. We understand their frustration.
I think people vote Ukip from a frustration with politics, which is legitimate, and which politicians have to listen to.
If I sit for a while, then my impatience, crossness, frustration, are indeed annihilated, and my sense of humor returns.
I don't think you really have chemistry in the way that you want between two actors unless frustration is there as well.
In luck or out the toil has left its mark: That old perplexity an empty purse, Or the day's vanity, the night's remorse.
It was Scripture that I had hidden in my heart that quickly came to mind when my frustration felt stronger than my faith.
I was born the same week NASA was founded, so we're the same age and feel some of the same pains, joys, and frustrations.
Boredom is a blessing when it leads you to wisdom. And boredom is a curse when it leads you to frustration and depression.
Tax Day is often a source of frustration for taxpayers, so anything that can make the process less painful is appreciated.
Frustration is our announcement to ourselves that we need to move back into love in order to find our "center" once again.
The thing I like about decathlon is also the thing I dislike: It's the maximum challenge, but also the maximum frustration.
I turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt.
The big, fun, ambitious ideas tend to come out of the frustration of talking for too long about the smaller, weaselly ones.
As a shareholder I have expressed my frustration with not getting more information about revenue and margins from the cloud.
Screenwriters get paid a hell of a lot more money but their level of frustration seems to be so high that I don't want that.
'My Struggle' came from a place of questioning and feelings of inauthenticity and frustration, and almost all of that is gone.
Are you desperate or determined? With desperation comes frustration. With determination comes purpose, achievement, and peace.
I'm a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I'm going to try to break his record.
Success is buried on the other side of frustration; unfortunately some people don't do what it takes to get to the other side.
I started the cosmetics in 1994 after I stopped modeling, out of my frustration as a woman of color not finding what I needed.
My father mainly liked writers. His friends were writers. He wanted to find the writing. That was his main frustration I think.
I had a lot of frustrations, and I was drinking far too much, and I was just trying to survive and this is what came out of it.
As I've gotten older, I know I race less, but I as an owner I have the same anxiety and the same frustration and energy for it.
I make things of my own that aren't that glam, but I'm not known for that, which has always been a bit of a frustration for me.
It doesn't really matter whether you grip the arms of the dentist's chair or let your hands lie in your lap. The drill drills on.
Frustration is out of expectation; expectation is our projection. All kinds of love frustrate unless love is based in meditation.
What is it about men, anyway? You can't live with 'em and the law frowns on neutering them. It's not exactly a win-win situation.
To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.
I mean, I have moments of huge frustration because of my inability to express myself linguistically as clearly as I would like to.
I tried to avoid anything that caused me frustration or grief or duress. I played FarmVille and procrastinated like all teenagers.
The frustration for a parent is that you might be available all the time, but the kid may approach you only about 10% of the time.
One of the sources of pride in being a human being is the ability to bear present frustrations in the interests of longer purposes.
My business was born out of my frustration with other cashback schemes. I wanted a more curated service than the other sites offer.
People of color have a constant frustration of not being represented, or being misrepresented, and these images go around the world.
Everyone has love, but it can only come out when he is convinced of the impossibility and the frustration of trying to love himself.
People close to me personally, politically, have expressed frustration that I'm not the political animal that they wish that I were.
I used to have a rant all the time when things went wrong, at everybody around me, because you just have to get the frustration out.
My main inspirations are the people around me, heartbreaks, frustration and everything that makes you feel stronger than you should.
Distress at losing an object can be as much a frustration at the intellectual mystery of the disappearance as about the loss itself.
Relying on nothing but scientific knowledge to produce an engineering solution is to invite frustration at best and failure at worst.
Even if we artists are all very privileged, there's a constant frustration about how to do more or better, and never being satisfied.
Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will by being frustrated by it.
The message of frustration is an exciting signal. it means that your brain beleives you could be doing better than you currently are.
So intense was his sexual frustration that it had begun to feel like a life-threatening illness: testicular gout, libidinal gangrene.
Writing is frustration - it's daily frustration, not to mention humiliation. It's just like baseball: you fail two-thirds of the time.
Feeling alone makes negative feelings worse. When you feel alone, frustration quickly can become anger, fear quickly can become panic.
I don't associate work with feelings of satisfaction. Rather, guilt, frustration, and resentment of people who write better than I do.
The facade is the ego. It is motivated by our seeking love. The only reward is frustration, as it is only by loving that one finds love.
Fans seemingly project their frustration and anger on the players and coaches. This results in insults and even in people spitting at us.
Working in an underdeveloped land for two or three years, the volunteer will often find that his work is routine and full of frustration.