I think writers rush in where everybody is very frightened to tread.

I'm frightened a lot. I feel like it's caused me a lot of obstacles.

All my life, I've been frightened at the moment I sit down to write.

I had my moments when I got very frightened that I would not recover.

I think all actors get scared because we're frightened to disappoint.

Sometimes I feel I'm living a meaningless life, and I get frightened.

There are moments when everything goes well, but don't be frightened.

You don't realize it, but often people are frightened of the director.

Yokozuna's Bonzai Drop literally scared me as a kid. It frightened me.

How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.

Never to be frightened of taking risks and always follow your instincts!

Who can live with this Consciousness and not wake frightened at sunrise?

I'll accept commissions from anyone who isn't frightened by my proposals.

She wanted to go over and hug his tears away, but she was too frightened.

I am not frightened of speaking my mind. I don't have fear in that regard.

I’m frightened that one morning there will not be enough to keep me going.

No Palestinian, young or old, would be frightened by these Israeli tactics.

There's always a time for change, and you should never be frightened of it.

If I ever completely lost my nervousness I would be frightened half to death.

I wasn't frightened of people, but I didn't have a clue about the adult world.

Now he'll outstare the lightning. To be furious Is to be frightened out of fear.

I was a bit of a coward when I was small. I was terribly frightened of the dark.

I was one of those people who was always rather frightened of women politicians.

I hate to think I ever make my husband frightened or unhappy, but I suspect I do.

If you fear phantoms, you're like a child frightened of seeing things in the dark.

I think that sometimes people are frightened to take the risk of entrepreneurship.

I don't think the government needs to be frightened of the banks in the slightest.

Most of the things I do are inspired by things that frightened me when I was young.

I was hit by a car. I almost died. My show was taken away from me. I was frightened.

Our culture seems to believe that it's entertaining to teach women to be frightened.

I think change is good because it teaches you that it's nothing to be frightened of.

Dont be frightened of failure. It makes you stronger if you learn from your mistakes.

One of the things I preach to all my staff is never be frightened to make a decision.

If you're constantly frightened of being unhappy, how bloody exhausting must that be?

Don't be frightened of failure. It makes you stronger if you learn from your mistakes.

Great is the difference betwixt a man's being frightened at, and humbled for his sins.

I was always frightened by taverns. They just seemed like very unpleasant places to go.

A child is not frightened at the thought of being patiently transmuted into an old man.

If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.

Men hid behind religion to keep others from seeing how frightened they were, how inept.

It's a sad moment, really, when parents first become a bit frightened of their children.

If I look back I feel frightened, not happy, because my life is a bit of a mystery to me.

Be isolated, be ignored, be attacked, be in doubt, be frightened, but do not be silenced.

I need to be frightened of things. I hate it, but I must need it, because it's what I do.

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.

Ever since I can remember feeling love for my parents, I've been frightened of losing them.

Everybody's frightened a bit. But how many of us just go through the fear and do it anyway?

When I first started auditioning I would stutter a lot because I was so terribly frightened.

I'm not frightened about terrorism. I'm frightened about the roots of what we call terrorism.

I would be more frightened as a writer if people thought my movies were like science fiction.

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