I'm frightened of the dark.

I'm not frightened of death.

The eye is easily frightened.

I'm frightened of interviews.

I get really frightened easily.

A frightened man is a beaten man.

Wars are begun by frightened men.

Bullies are just frightened people.

People are frightened of the unknown.

Actors are frightened little children.

I'm not frightened of a bit of silence.

I used to be very frightened of failure.

If you're frightened, you're out of luck.

Better be killed than frightened to death.

We should not be frightened by appearances.

I'm not frightened of appearing vulnerable.

I am never frightened when I tell the truth.

We're frightened of what makes us different.

Frightened is the natural state for all men.

... deep down nobody is bad, only frightened.

I am almost frightened out of my seven senses.

No, I've never been frightened before a fight.

I've always been frightened of turning thirty.

I don't feel frightened by not knowing things.

If you are not frightened, you are not original.

I think the media's a little frightened of women.

Well, I need to be frightened on a regular basis.

How frightened hypocrisy hastens to defend itself.

God! Is there anything uglier than a frightened man!

The delicate sensitivity of a frightened rattlesnake.

The whole area of creativity is constipated and frightened.

If you're extremely, painfully frightened of age, it shows.

It frightened people when you were honest; it shocked them.

I tried heroin once and I didn't like it. It frightened me.

I think people are frightened of women making big decisions.

I'm easily frightened and am somewhat of a squeamish person.

I am not frightened of much, but I wouldn't like to get ill.

The establishment is made up of little men, very frightened.

I don't have it in my personality to be frightened of things.

I like people that are not frightened to say what they think.

I'm frightened of eggs, worse than frightened, they revolt me.

Bollocks have never frightened me. I'll eat a bollock any time.

The dream he needed most was the dream that frightened him more.

It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened.

Even fear itself is frightened by the bodhisattva's fearlessness.

I tend to do things that I'm very frightened of. That's what I do.

When one must sit with the snobs, one belongs with the frightened.

It’s hard to feel hurt or frightened when you’re flooded with pity.

I think writers rush in where everybody is very frightened to tread

I don't drive. No. Cars terrify me. I am really frightened of cars.

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