It's such a big dream of mine to be singing in front of my friends and family in my hometown.

It took so much of the tension out of me that my friends and family won't see me on this show.

I am a completely different person off the field, and my friends and family can vouch for that.

It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.

I loved to sing in family parties, for my friends and family. That's how I discovered my talent.

I text and email my friends and family a lot, but that's about the extent of my high-tech-etude.

I don't just empathise with the victims of Islamophobia; I worry about my own friends and family.

I am going to spend more time face-to-face with my friends and family. I am going to unplug more.

My friends and family were also in tears with my decision to quit as they all loved me in Bidaai.'

I've always felt lonely, even if I'm in a great relationship or surrounded by my friends and family.

I love having my hair blown dry by a stylist and I also truly enjoy being with my friends and family.

Americans call them hillbillies, rednecks, or white trash. I call them neighbors, friends, and family.

Most of the people who act and sing do so for their own pleasure and that of their friends and family.

There are certain things that only me, my friends and family should know. It's not everyone's business.

What I miss the most is chatting with my friends and family and having a good laugh over a simple meal.

I was lucky to have friends and family who were always supportive. It didn't matter to them how I raced.

I love to eat and go out to dinner with friends and family and order all kinds of things. I love dessert.

I would be happy living on a massive ranch in Montana and not seeing anyone except my friends and family.

My endorsement of Senator Obama will not be welcome news to my friends and family at the Clinton campaign.

I have friends and family that are filled with massive amounts of integrity. And it shouldn't be an oddity.

Having people I love around me - friends and family - is great, but I don't necessarily need a relationship.

As many of you know I travel a good bit and do not get to see my friends and family as much as I would like.

Due to my serious kind of roles, people - apart from my close friends and family - did not know the real me.

I have always made sure that I put my game ahead of anything else, sometimes even before friends and family.

Birthdays are just weird! I like to have something simple like a dinner with friends and family if possible.

I am not afraid if people think Matt LeBlanc in 'Episodes' is who I am - my friends and family know who I am.

I always want to feel happy, whether I am with my friends and family or out on the football field for Chelsea.

There's nothing I value more than the closeness of friends and family, a smile as I pass someone on the street.

When I moved to Atlanta, I felt like an outsider - away from my friends and family except for the LGBTQ community.

I do get to have my normal childhood. I just love to get together with my friends and family and have a good time.

What better way to celebrate 50 years of defending human rights than over a candlelit dinner with friends and family.

I'm pretty good at surprising friends and family with gifts. I tend to go towards the more sentimental side of giving.

My friends and family always thought I was pretty funny, but I don't know if they thought I was get-my-own-show funny.

I find it slightly uncomfortable to see my face on a bus or a poster. I like just being known by my friends and family.

I need a life outside of soccer. So I very much welcome, you know, new love interests and dating and friends and family.

Couples need time alone to renew their relationship. They also need to sustain supportive networks of friends and family.

When my friends and family call me Josie, it feels like I'm being seen. It's something everyone wants, to feel understood.

If you want to really know what your friends and family think of you die broke, and then see who shows up for the funeral.

And, of course, all of my friends and family are so excited because they feel like Montreal is being represented on Mad Men.

Roy Acuff was a big hero for me, and I was so sad when he passed. It's hard as you get older to lose your friends and family.

Every one of us has the ability to raise awareness, volunteer, educate our friends and family, and give back to our communities.

I'm very fortunate and thankful everyday to the man up above. Because without Him, and my friends and family, I wouldn't be here.

A lot of close friends and family members have got married through online dating. I don't think it would be wise for me to do it.

Let me just make a stand that our friends and family in the LGBTQIA-plus community have the right to take up space in our society.

It just means so much to me that America voted for me, and I get to see all my friends and family supporting me and crying with me.

As you might have gathered, I prefer the honest, decent and genuinely accepting friends and family I have in the conservative world.

Talking with my friends and family every day helps keep me grounded and connected to home. They are the most important things to me.

I was never pushed into the industry. I was a very shy child. I was not one to perform for friends and family at every get-together.

When a man sits in our jails for a number of years, and around him friends and family become angry, that is how we create terrorists.

I say, If everybody in this house lives where it's God first, friends and family second and you third, we won't ever have an argument.

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