Some men, like spaniels, will only fawn the more when repulsed, but will pay little heed to a friendly caress.

Usually when I wielded a hockey stick, it meant somebody was going to get hurt. This is just a friendly match.

The Australian fans are really friendly and personable; the sense of humour is a lot less dry than the English.

Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.

If you want to win some, you have to be winsome - be nice, be friendly and then appropriately apply the gospel.

When Albert Einstein was asked what he would really like to know about the Universe he replied,'is it friendly?

Swansea is totally different. The people here are so friendly, different to London where everyone is in a rush.

'Dancing With The Stars' is a little family. The cast, we're all together - we're a really friendly competition.

The true poet is a friendly man. He takes to his arms even cold and inanimate things, and rejoices in his heart.

We're not dating," Alec said again. "Oh?" Magnus said. "So you're just that friendly with everybody, is that it?

New Yorkers aren't that friendly, but they're still pretty friendly, and they're hardworking, passionate people.

The cavalry, in particular, were not friendly to the aeroplane, which it was believed, would frighten the horses.

We seek friendly relations with all nations. Any nation can be our friend without being any other nation's enemy.

Why is propaganda so much more successful when it stirs up hatred than when it tries to stir up friendly feeling?

I've met a lot of really friendly people who are incredibly happy for me, which is really flattering and humbling.

I'm not massively into computers. I'm a fan of Macs because they're more user friendly, so I'm used to using them.

The thing about a friendly smile is not just that it makes people like you but that it makes them like themselves.

Spider-Man is supposed to be 'neighborhood friendly,' but I've never seen that dude at a Black Lives Matter march.

The single most important decision any of us will ever make is whether or not to believe the universe is friendly.

All rooms ought to look as if they were lived in, and to have so to say, a friendly welcome ready for the incomer.

You'll find that fellow gym go-ers are super supportive and friendly. It must be all those endorphins going around!

I sometimes go for drives with my wife around south Wales, and always the people are so friendly and so passionate.

Look at the Prius. It's a nerd car. Yeah, you're being environmentally friendly, but your dating life is gonna suck.

Americans are xenophobic, they will believe their own people rather than the adversary, even a friendly enemy voice.

I wanted us to have a friendly relationship [with Kanye West]. He promised to play the song for me, but he never did.

After he has had his tantrum, the neurotic expects those around him to feel friendly and relaxed; after all, he does.

If you want to be friendly with puppies and everyone else because they're so cute, you better be nice to your owners.

Business friendly is the middle ground between being too cold and uncaring and the other extreme of being too familiar

Cold and hunger seem more friendly to my nature than those methods which men have adopted and advise to ward them off.

Let me tell you, there's no better medicine than a friendly card game for sloughing off the cares of a workaday world.

A slight touch of friendly malice and amusement towards those we love keeps our affections for them from turning flat.

And it was a very, very fruitful and great relationship between the Stones and The Beatles. It was very, very friendly.

God has hardwired me to thoroughly enjoy and be sharpened by good and friendly theological discussion about the gospel.

I'm friendly - I've never changed - but some people can be intimidated to approach you, especially younger footballers.

You can push your local communities to adopt more sustainable sources of energy and environmentally-friendly practices.

The Afghans, despite their backwardness, are a friendly lot, but the Taliban are as barbaric as the Huns from the past.

Fundamental happiness depends more than anything else upon what may be called a friendly interest in persons and things.

On the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that on other days, on other fields will bear the fruits of victory.

Buy less, choose well: that's the maxim. Quality not quantity. That's the most environmentally friendly thing you can do.

There was never a finer character - charitable and friendly to his foes and ever willing to help a youngster breaking in.

Things felt pretty crazy on earth in 1969, but the cosmos was friendly. Astronauts had round-trip tickets; they got home.

When you have done your best with what you know how to do best - and people everywhere look at you with a friendly smile.

In Punjab, we have a friendly environment and whoever gets a story idea, we discuss it openly and work jointly towards it.

There is a world of difference between being friendly to someone because they're useful to you and being someone's friend.

Frank Sinatra was a popular star, but he was always so sweet and friendly to me that I was excited just to be next to him.

There's no good reason that reliably liberal states should be electing senators as friendly to Wall Street as Cory Booker.

I love being Southern because of the people and the fans we have. People down here are more friendly - really warm people.

Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each others fur.

When I was 19 I came to play a friendly against England and I really liked how they played and how passionate the fans are.

Cannock is a friendly place. You can stroll down the road to a decent pub and have a good curry, and it is not too faceless.

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