Winning friends begins with friendliness.

Relationships are the oxygen of the psyche.

The difference between a friend and an enemy is friendliness.

A good motto is: use friendliness but do not use your friends.

My favourite things are jokes, friendliness and feeling comfortable.

I like to smile. I smile even when I'm nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.

One of the attributes Glasgow is best known for all over the world is the friendliness of her people.

The strongest inpression remaining with me after watching the wolves...was their friendliness towards each other.

I think people hear the warmth in my voice and the friendliness, and they think: 'Oh, she must be a very nice person'.

I don't know what flirting is, really. Sometimes in women, friendliness comes across as flirting. That is not what it is.

If you stick to what the Bible teaches, then you have everything you need: honesty, openness, friendliness, respect, tolerance, and much more, which is often lost nowadays.

As the treaty made with the United States was the first treaty entered into by your country with other countries, therefore the President regards Japan with peculiar friendliness.

It was not a friendly game, and Jerry certainly did not have friendliness in his eyes. He had an extra mean streak that day. He was out of control and probably should have been ejected.

Your customers are judging every aspect of every transaction and rating everything, from friendliness of people to ease of doing business to quality of product to service after the sale.

Peace can be promoted by the limitation of arms and by the creation of the instrumentality for peaceful settlement of controversies. But it will become a reality only through self-restraint and active effort in friendliness and helpfulness.

I don't mean being famous is a perk, because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk, but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like, I don't know, general friendliness and willingness to please, just to point out two.

New York is a much more bourgeois city, more of a tourist attraction than a muscular metropolis. It's lost moxie and a rough energy, while gaining grace and friendliness. I love both versions of the city, but I wish the prosperous Manhattan would become a little easier for young people to afford.

Now that the Liberal party has returned to power after nearly a decade of Stephen Harper's Conservative government and its on-again, off-again friendliness with Beijing, the propaganda line is that Canada-China relations are on the verge of a 'new golden age.' Count on it. There will be a price, and we will pay. We always do.

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