French is the language that turns dirt into romance.

French 'Vogue' was always a photographer's magazine.

You may hear from my fabulous accent that I'm French!

You know how arrogant the French are - extraordinary.

The French were mystified about the Watergate scandal.

I'm fine being addicted to chocolate and French fries.

'Escargot' is French for 'fat crawling bag of phlegm'.

I like junk food, French fries, hamburgers - I love it.

My favourite film is 'Le Diner de Cons,' a French movie.

I eat a cheeseburger with French fries almost every day.

I took up French boys and wine and I studied psychology.

I especially love French, Italian and Japanese cuisines.

Maybe I've seen more Hollywood movies than French movies.

It has been stressful to be a French resident in America.

Stripes are very French - who doesn't love a good stripe?

I speak some French, Spanish, a little German and Gaelic.

The relentless pursuit of being different is very French.

I'm going to gather all the French people who want change.

I tend to curse in French more often than I do in English.

I'm a sucker for French fries - I love that they're salty!

If I could eat French fries every day of my life, I would.

To understand Europe, you have to be a genius - or French.

The English are predisposed to pride, the French to vanity.

The clear French landscape is as pure as a verse of Racine.

French are what they are without excusing themselves to be.

Really, creation and innovation are part of the French DNA.

The Russians are very much more up and down than the French.

French design hardly exists, except as artificial modernism.

I don't like French food. I like everything but French food.

The word Chivalry is derived from the French cheval, a horse.

My style is quite clean, vintage, and almost French in a way.

Boy, those French: they have a different word for everything!

The French - they like jazz, they've been on jazz a long time.

My first public impression was my French teacher, Derek Swift.

The French have made conversation their claim to civilisation.

I would love to see the French spending money to restore Iraq.

It is sometimes tougher to fight my superiors than the French.

I would rather do really good French films than 'American Pie.'

I play drums, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, piano.

I don't speak English or French, but that doesn't mean anything.

You know French means like sophisticated, well educated, so far.

The French colonisation of Algeria lasted a long time: 132 years.

There would probably be less of a frenzy among the French public.

Being French, to me, is first and foremost being a revolutionary.

The French are so into themselves that they don't even notice you.

The great watershed of modern poetry is French, more than English.

I want to be adopted by the French. I want to go to live in Paris.

I like eggs. My favorite way of cooking eggs is old school French.

Then I took 8 years of French Horn, first jazz, and then classical.

French football must go as far as possible in the Champions League.

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