Honesty's praised, then left to freeze.

Raw lobster tail, freeze dried, is amazing.

How soon would faith freeze without a cross!

Out of the firefight, into the carbon freeze." -Anakin Solo

I tried Botox once. Never again. It made my forehead freeze.

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

I'm not apologizing to anyone. I'll apologize when hell freezes over.

Hell will freeze over before I send you any money for this unwarranted bill.

When you get to be 23, 24 or 25, you start to freeze up and become an adult.

I'm not going to freeze under the pressure. I'm hoping I can stand up to it.

I don't cause riots, but I do cause confusion. People freeze when they spot me.

You can freeze a nice sponge cake and then have a strawberry shortcake any time.

Praise out of season, or tactlessly bestowed, can freeze the heart as much as blame.

Hell would freeze over before I saw my parents happily holding hands and ice skating.

I am not yet born; O fill me with strength against those who would freeze my humanity.

There are tons of people Id like to freeze for all of eternity, but we wont go into that!

The first snowball I froze was put in my mother's deep freeze when I was in my early 20s.

Hell will freeze over before this CEO implements another employee benefit in this culture.

There are tons of people I'd like to freeze for all of eternity, but we won't go into that!

I burn, I freeze; I am never warm. I am rigid; I forgot softness because it did not serve me.

And I did Batman, too. I did Mr. Freeze. I get more mail for him than anything I've ever done.

You freeze with the number of opportunities given to you and just decide to do nothing at all.

I see lots of women having beautiful children later in life. And, if not, just freeze your eggs!

At home, I make a large batch of tomato sauce and freeze it in meal-size portions in freezer bags.

I want to show that we all have the right to be ourselves, and I certainly don't want to freeze time.

Some people say that watching pay freezes in the government is like watching water freeze. It expands.

After two and a half engagements, of course I want to get married and have babies, so I am going to freeze my eggs.

I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband in the deep freeze except for mating. Lots of men feel that way.

A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire: not too near, lest he burn; nor too far off, lest he freeze.

Today's action hero, his skills are through technology. He can fly, he can throw a bolt of lightning, he can freeze people.

I wish I could freeze time or go back in time and watch my kids grow up all over again because it is just going by too fast.

Forget the stress of trying to find a taxi while you freeze. Ubers make you feel like you have a personal driver... a luxury!

Before really high-pressured gigs I tend to freeze and crawl into bed. Under the covers you just feel safe for a little while.

If you get too attached to how you want it to come out the other side, you freeze. I try to trust that it will work out in the end.

The option to freeze one's eggs is just about the most empowering choice a single woman who knows she wants to be a mother can make.

There was a time when people said, 'Jim, if you keep on making faces, your face will freeze like that.' Now they just say, 'Pay him!'

I curl up inside and freeze when I have to act. I much prefer sitting on the sidelines and trying to get the best out of other people.

You've got to make the rehearsal room very safe. You can't bully people, because if you bully people, they're going to freeze and lock up.

I think if you spend much time dwelling on influence you can get self-conscious about every line you write. That's a great way to freeze up.

Sometimes a camera comes out and people freeze up a little, and I'm like that with normal cameras, but with a film camera, I feel different.

I would argue that in any habitable zone that doesn't boil or freeze, intelligent life is going to emerge because intelligence is convergent.

The higher the surface area-to-volume ratio of a given amount of meat, the more efficiently it will freeze and the less damage it will suffer.

Once in a while, when I first started to write pieces, I would try to write to a reader other than myself. I always failed. I would freeze up.

I feel that I would perform really well if there was no camera in front of me. But when there is one, and the director says 'Action!' I freeze.

We have to reduce the tax burden, whether it's income tax for corporations or private individuals, and we should put a freeze on property taxes.

When someone unloads on me, I keep my head moving; I don't freeze. I punch back with them. The occasion never gets to me. Not one bit. I enjoy it.

We asked the workers to give up 25 percent of their salaries. Imagine! We asked the industrialists to freeze all costs, no matter what the inflation is.

I take 12-bean soup mixes, soak the beans overnight, boil them up, add tomatoes and flavoring, and freeze it. I'll have a cup a day. It's very nutritious.

A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive - especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages.

We sometimes freeze the specimen with liquid nitrogen, which is extremely cold, you know. This is another technique we use now - but the specimens are not alive.

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