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In some ways I think it would be very dignified if I went away for twenty years and then wrote my fourth book.
The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the third for shame, and the fourth for madness.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution does not just entail risks: it also brings solutions to humanitarian problems.
Trust me: it's no fun where we're on the fourth set, or you've got to serve second serve on a break point down.
As a technologist, I see how AI and the fourth industrial revolution will impact every aspect of people's lives.
Politics was my third act. But I could have a fourth. I don't know what that will be yet, but there will be one.
I'm the third or fourth generation of actor in my family; I'm sure if they were butchers, I'd be a butcher, too.
If I was on a third or fourth line I would probably be in the NHL, because you don't have to produce every night.
If people don't know what a punter is in football, they're not going to know what a fourth down kicker is, either.
I've been fat since fourth grade and bullied for it, but I still knew I couldn't represent every kids' experience.
Look at the way sports, music and film have become driving forces of popular culture. Fashion is the fourth pillar.
Because I am a character actor, I thought I would be the fourth or eighth banana on a sitcom, and that would be OK.
My government has taken significant measures to enable the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in our country.
My screen name in fourth grade on AIM was 'chickmagnet4life,' so it started in fourth grade... and that's '4 life.'
This game is about engagement and respect, whether you're playing in the Champions League or in the fourth division.
I can't get booked on the Fourth of July, or it'll be, 'Do you want to open for the opener for Toby Keith?' Hell, no.
My first, second, third, fourth and fifth priority is definitely defense. I want to be everywhere and help everybody.
Once you become known for one thing, it's easy to become known for a second thing, a third thing, and a fourth thing.
Why should you construe that Congress and BJP are the only forces at the Centre? There could be third or fourth force.
When I was little, seven or eight years old, in third and fourth grade, I would always try to use long words and stuff.
'The Fourth Hand' was a novel that came from twenty years of screenwriting concurrently with whatever novel I'm writing.
In fourth grade I had a high school reading level, but I didn't want to go to school and I didn't feel I belonged there.
In fourth grade, I was interested in all areas of science. I particularly loved learning about how the earth was created.
It is very difficult to be taken seriously when you're introduced at a party to somebody as the fourth Mrs. Rex Harrison.
I love seeing New York City Ballet from the fourth ring, just seeing the architecture of how these bodies move from above.
On this flight, my fourth spaceflight, I also became the record holder for total days in space and single longest mission.
No one in their right mind can say to me with a straight face that the Patriot Act has not aggregated the Fourth Amendment.
A violin is tuned to a fifth. But a guitar is tuned to a fourth with a one-third middle. It is very perplexing to composers.
In the middle of my fourth year teaching is when I got my book contract - in 2010. I knew the book would come out in May 2011.
Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.
I didn't get paid to write professionally until my first episode of 'Kyle XY,' which was the fourth episode of the first season.
On the fourth day of July following, a party of about two hundred Indians attacked Boonsborough, killed one man, and wounded two.
You hear about how many fourth quarter comebacks that a guy has and I think it means a guy screwed up in the first three quarters.
I walked to Seward School first through fourth grade. It's just amazing to me now that we'd walk down 10th Avenue on Capitol Hill.
From the Chinese perspective, Korea ranks about third or fourth in terms of trading volume and about third in terms of investment.
The Supreme Court must strike down the government's illegal spying program as a violation of our Fourth Amendment right to privacy.
I made the decision that I was going to make rap music in, like, fourth grade, so it's been something I was saying for a long time.
Technology is the future, I have seen the third industrial revolution, and we are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution.
I know the UFC's a big organization, the best athletes and fighters are here, so... every third or fourth month, I'm ready to fight.
The second single from 'Purpose,' Justin Bieber's fourth studio album, 'Sorry' is an infectious confection - a Dorito for your ears.
I was reading this book called 'Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.' It's really, really good if you want to believe in that stuff.
Saturday Night Live is hitting me on a regular basis again. This is my fourth decade that I've been lampooned on Saturday Night Live.
I think it's always been sort of difficult for people of color to celebrate the Fourth of July and really understand what that means.
When it comes to economy, my district is the fourth largest concentration of manufacturing jobs of any district in the entire country.
I hate that number. I hate the number four. I just wanna, like, cut it in half and kill it. I hate it. I've been fourth so many times.
Real people move, they bear with them the element of time. It is this fourth dimension of people that I try to capture in a photograph.
My federal, state, and local experience will allow me the opportunity to effectively represent the constituents of the Fourth District.
A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth - and endures all the rest.
To be truthful, when I'd be on the bus when I was a little kid, like fourth, fifth grade, we'd always be free-styling and playing around.
It is almost as difficult to keep a first class person in a fourth class job, as it is to keep a fourth class person in a first class job.