Found, I told myself. Try to get found.

I've always found the rain very calming.

Some things were better lost than found.

Friends are seldom found; they are made.

Good stories are constructed, not found.

God is found by those, With kind hearts.

I found Him in the shining of the stars.

Found my tropical paradise here in Bali.

The rose is often found near the nettle.

Since when was genius found respectable?

Great peace is found in little busy-ness.

The way of the Samurai is found in death.

People can only be found in what they do.

War never leaves where it found a nation.

Look for the truth, it wants to be found.

You can't pray a lie -- I found that out.

Radicals can be found in any environment.

I have found God, but he is insufficient.

I found myself again and then found love.

If you get lost, you can always be found.

Nature makes penicillin; I just found it.

I've always found ways to bend the rules.

What quick wit is found in sudden straits!

All human life can be found in an airport.

I found music to be the therapy of choice.

Never change when love has found its home.

I never found it frustrating not speaking.

Even as a child, I found a way to survive.

Each found her greatest safety in silence.

By walking, I found out where I was going.

He found me when I was at my lowest point.

I went looking for trouble, and I found it.

I found my happy place the minute I saw you

I only just found you, I can't lose you now

the tigers have found me and I do not care.

The order I found was the order of disorder

Truth must be found in reality, not systems.

Beauty is found in the way you treat others.

I soon found law school an unmitigated bore.

Seek on earth what you have found in heaven.

Montague's just been found in a toilet, Sir.

Leave the woodpile higher than you found it.

I awoke one morning and found myself famous.

We never found a real model (for our vision).

I have found nothing stronger than Necessity.

In the looking, I found the cities within me.

The War will leave none of us as it found us.

Happiness is found principally in meditation.

Where ever fear exists, courage can be found.

Soul is to be found in the vicinity of taboo.

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