Only a fortunate few seek the Beloved. Only a blessed few seek to enter the shrine of the heart.

I wouldn't say I grew up with a silver spoon. Yeah, I was very fortunate. I have a great family.

I feel that I've been very fortunate in the films that I have gotten and that I've chosen to do.

I was fortunate to find an extraordinary mathematics and applied mathematics program in Toronto.

I was fortunate enough to work under directors who were, most of them, brilliant, emotional men.

I've been fortunate enough to win titles; I've been unfortunate enough to get relegated as well.

I've been fortunate enough that in every form of motor sports in which I've competed, we've won.

I feel so fortunate and lucky I don't have to be a waitress or a bartender or a personal trainer.

I've been fortunate over my career to make a little history on the 16th hole at Augusta National.

Every year of my working life, I have been fortunate enough to earn more money than I have spent.

I happen to be fortunate: I live in San Francisco, and I can afford a $600 phone. Or two of them!

I love reading. I'm fortunate enough to have signed books by Faulkner, Steinbeck, Thomas Pynchon.

When I think of some of my earlier work, it really seems a fortunate coincidence that I succeeded.

I have an amazing and supportive family. I'm fortunate to have a close relationship with everyone.

I just feel that I'm compelled; that I have a responsibility to give back to those less fortunate.

I love my work, and I feel fortunate to be doing a job I love, but it isn't the centre of my life.

I'm a real common sense guy who caught a lot of good breaks and who has been very, very fortunate.

I consider myself fortunate that I've been able to find a character that people have responded to.

We are very fortunate to be recognized here in such an extraordinary manner for work that we enjoy.

I do try to go home as much as possible after each show. I've got my own plane. I'm very fortunate.

I love television. Television is a great medium; I'm fortunate enough to direct amazing television.

I am fortunate to have acted with a talented film personality like Cheran in two consecutive films.

You gotta give back - it's only right to give back to the people who need it and are less fortunate.

I am fortunate to be successful. People's love is precious to me. I can never take that for granted.

I have been very fortunate in that my career has taken me on a journey I could only have dreamed of.

What a fortunate fellow I am, I kept telling myself. Nobody has ever had such a lovely time as this!

Yes, we are fortunate because as a band we've always been on the up, always getting more successful.

You have to hustle and work hard, but we have been fortunate with big crowds and having a good time.

If you're fortunate enough, you get to a position where you can be a little pickier about your roles.

I'm very fortunate. My husband is hugely supportive, and he is very happy getting on with his career.

I like to do all things. I've been fortunate enough to be able to do a bunch of them at the same time.

Movies, they take years of my life, so I'm fortunate that I get to work in a lot of different mediums.

I have been very fortunate as to escape through another day's very severe fighting and escaped unhurt.

We were fortunate to be there a day or two before 'the big bang' and then we got the heck out of town.

I was fortunate enough to be an American citizen by birth and I have the birth certificate to prove it.

I didn't get on TV until I was 30, which is really fortunate because you are who you are at that point.

I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to be at the forefront of the digital media revolution.

With 'Fruitvale,' I was very fortunate to be part of the film, and, God, everybody was just incredible.

I've been very fortunate to be able to use my series as a platform to show a good message for the kids.

It's really important to be attentive to the people who have less - who are less fortunate than you are.

I'm a little baby in a barrel just taking everything in. I'm just so fortunate to do whatever I'm doing.

I've got more ideas for books than I'll ever be able to use in my lifetime. I'm very fortunate like that.

I'm very fortunate to have been raised in my family. I learned early about the importance of giving back.

I just feel so fortunate, A, that I'm able to talk to people and B, keep in contact with my real friends.

Despite PAL's troubles in the late 1990s, we were fortunate to have steered the company to clearer skies.

Who knows what kind of life I might have had had I not been fortunate enough to have the parents I've had.

I'm definitely one of the more fortunate ones when it comes to being in the right place at the right time.

I feel so fortunate to have grown up in a town like Kansas City that has such a vibrant theater community.

I can't even explain how blessed I am and how fortunate that I have such a great team that believes in me.

In postscript let's just say that I am very fortunate cause I've gotten to work with a lot of great bands!

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