Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses...

We must be governed by the force of law, not by the law of force.

Liberty, not communism, is the most contagious force in the world.

I am president, I don't own the country so they are not my forces.

Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one.

Minds are not conquered by force, but by love and high-mindedness.

In a battle between force and an idea, the latter always prevails.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

Being right keeps you in place, being wrong forces you to explore.

For me nature is not landscape, but the dynamism of visual forces.

Stupidity is an elemental force for which no earthquake is a match.

No one can force me to do something unless I'm passionate about it.

Love is the force that ignites the spirit and binds teams together.

Not believing in force is the same as not believing in gravitation.

Men must reap the things they sow, Force from force must ever flow.

Planet Earth is our shared island, let us join forces to protect it

Modern man is battered by the fundamental forces of his own psyche.

The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.

America is the greatest force for good in the history of the world.

Force yourself to reflect on what you read, paragraph by paragraph.

Traveling is really exhausting. That will force me into retirement.

The forces that divide us are not as strong as those that unite us.

Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force. (Prentice Mulford)

Conquering others takes force, conquering yourself is true strength.

There is no opposing brutal force to the stratagems of human reason.

When aroused the American conscience is a powerful force for reform.

Idolatry is still a socially cohesive force - its original function.

You know what the most destructive force in the universe is? Regret.

Only living things bring living joy to the soul and must elevate it.

The experience of pain or loss can be a formidably motivating force.

The United States is the single greatest force for good in the world

A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn't have an air force.

It is an irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces.

I wasn't a big Air Force 1 person until I started buying custom ones.

The evening is really hard for me. I have to force myself not to eat.

TAKE, v.t. To acquire, frequently by force but preferably by stealth.

Life has its own hidden forces which you can only discover by living.

When you appeal to force, there's one thing you must never do - lose.

The world is not a machine. Everything in it is force, life, thought.

The U.S. cannot impose freedom, security, and unity in Iraq by force.

You are always going to face forces that can bring you to your knees.

The fifth force was the magic of Time, the greatest of all the magics.

The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning.

Spread love and understanding,” Reacher said. “Use force if necessary.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

Few there were who could change his courses by counsel. None by force.

People decide what markets should do - they are not a force of nature.

He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.

Four or five frigates will do the business without any military force.

No one should be subjected to force over things which belonged to him.

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