The reason that deadline actually can work very well for you is what it forces you to do is make decisions.

The need for Government is the need for force; where force is unnecessary, there is no need for Government.

When you are totally depressed, you should try giggling. Just make yourself laugh. Force yourself to laugh.

Now some alien force seems to have come and captured the Dodgers. I don't know what happened to my Dodgers.

Nonviolence is an active force of the highest order. It is soul force or the power of the godhead within us.

It's not an idle boast that the British Army is, man for man, probably the best fighting force in the world.

Each person is born with an infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.

A paranoid thinks that sinister forces are out to get him, not realizing that they are out to get everybody.

Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power which can move the whole world.

I began to feel lighthearted. Don't ever do that; it tempts some dark and evil force abroad in the universe.

Conservatives truly love America and support the armed forces, while liberals are unpatriotic draft dodgers.

The good news is when we are in full-on sisterhood, women are the most powerful, political force in America.

America is a model of force and freedom and moderation - with all the coarseness and rudeness of its people.

I had no intention of entering politics, but then the force of events led me to become involved in politics.

We can't control forces of nature. But we can control what comes afterward. We have a chance to start fresh.

Socialism is practical, in the best sense of the term; a living, vital force of inestimable value to society.

God forbid you got seasick because there was no option to go back. So that really did force us to be a group.

Women are the sustaining force of any society - they think of the children and the next generation's chances.

Water is the key to life, but in frozen form, it is a latent force. And when it vanishes, Earth becomes Mars.

It's important that we work very closely with moderate Muslim forces locally, nationally and internationally.

Our prayers cannot force God to do anything, but He uses them as His own instruments to bring about His will.

I was in the Air Force and was a boom operator (in-flight refueling). I got my comedy start in the Air Force.

Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world.

Graduation speeches force you to reflect. They are about consciousness. Nothing is better than consciousness.

Repression forces your mind to be more deeply entrenched in those things from which you are trying to escape.

The idea of reasoning with terrorists without force or with appeasement is naive, and I think it's dangerous.

My paranoia never ends, but I haven't been paranoid about being spied on my shadowy forces for some time now.

The censor boards are mere redundant forces conspiring to keep the 'bold' films out of reach of the audience.

If there is no willingness to use force to defend civil society, it's civil society that goes away, not force.

Belief in great results is the driving force, the power behind all great books, plays, scientific discoveries.

I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.

We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces: we become the powerful force ourselves.

[The media can be] the greatest force for peace on the earth [for] it is how we come to understand each other.

Only the destructive forces know death as lord. Only spiritual forces know life as the Lord. Know ye the Lord!

We are the love, the lover, the loving, and the love. It is the Supreme. It is the deepest force in our lives.

Fear is a force that sharpens your senses. Being afraid is a state of paralysis in which you can't do anything.

I think fate is massive, and it's never really had its place among forces we respect as having control over us.

I feel so strongly that I use a different word in going around that our forces are depleted - they're depleted.

We're used to thinking of force as a stable phenomenon, but it has a cinematic variable, which is acceleration.

Only he who has measured the dominion of force, and knows how not to respect it, is capable of love andjustice.

Urban music in the Spanish-language is a force to be reckoned with, there's truly something for everyone in it.

Colors are forces, radiant energies that affect us positively or negatively, whether we are aware of it or not.

Thus Dante's motto over Inferno applies with equal force to marriage: "Ye who enter here leave all hope behind.

The absolute pacifist is a bad citizen; times come when force must be used to uphold right, justice and ideals.

Compared to the unleashed forces of warfare and of faith, Mount Vesuvius was kinder to the legacy of antiquity.

We now have a satisfactory solution not only to coalition forces, but also to the Iraqi authorities themselves.

Fear, he said, ran all of our lives. Fear, he said, after religion, was the most destructive force in the world.

Seriously, American pop culture must be the most predominant force on the planet, next to pollution and poverty.

I should see an enemy of my country in any one who would change by force that which has been established by law.

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